Measure and cut book boards - height: text block + 6mms; width: text block - 3mm 1).
Make the case - uses cave paper for spine. Measures and cuts the paper: height: text block + 6mms; width: “4 inches” (equals the spine plus the distance of the cave paper comes over on front and back).
Made centre line going lengthways on the back of cave paper; cut a piece of craft paper the same width as the spine and attached to the centre of the back of the cave paper. Could add a label on the spine at this point.
Hinge gap: 7.5mms. 2); measure out hinge cap and attach boards to the cave paper (20:50).
(Optional: Add layer of paper/card to fill in edge of cave paper as there is a ridge.)
Decorative paper: barely cover where the cave case ends and add edge flap and height.
Mark where the decorative paper is to be glued on cave case 3); measure and repeat on other side.
Glue top and bottom edges of cave case.
Glue on decorative paper; cut corners off and then glue down edges.
Attach case to book block: oxford hollow is glued to the spine.
Attach case as usual; allow to dry.
Creates label and attaches to front of book (cutting the decorative paper from board and attaching label)
Interestingly the book has flaps that were originally part of the endpaper.
Spine in okay shape, although a little concave. This was left alone.
Used linen cloth!
Uses two metal weights to hold up the book block.
Uses chipboard from old notebook for boards.
Rounds the measurements.
Uses sandpaper to round off the edges of the boards.