N.B. This page is currently a working progress.

Oxford World Classics

The World’s Classics are a pocket book series of 610 titles that were published between 1901 and the mid-1970s. They are recognisable by their compact size (4” x 6”) and blue-cloth hardcover, usually with the OUP crest imprinted on the front cover, and colourful dust-jacket designs. Though many variants were published over the years, including green-cloth, maroon coloured cloth and various leather editions. Below is a simplified list of the Oxford World Classics reproduced from "THE WORLD'S CLASSICS" and "OXFORD WORLD'S CLASSICS": A Guide to the Clothbound Editions (and Their Variants), 2010. Compiled by J. Godsey, Geoffrey Milburn, and Nicholas Murray.

I have been collecting The World Classics since the I was thirteen and currently hold 220 titles (Updated 13.08.23).


No. Author Title
1. BRONTË, CHARLOTTE. Novels of Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë I: Jane Eyre: An Autobiography.
2. LAMB, CHARLES. The Essays of Elia and the Last Essays of Elia.
3. TENNYSON, ALFRED, LORD. Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson 1830-1858.
4. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. The Vicar of Wakefield.
5. HAZLITT, WILLIAM. Works I: Table-Talk: Essays on Men and Manners.
6. EMERSON, RALPH WALDO. Works I: Essays: First and Second Series.
7. KEATS, JOHN. The Poetical Works of John Keats, frontis.: portrait of Keats.
8. DICKENS, CHARLES. Novels of Charles Dickens I: The Adventures of Oliver Twist.
9. INGOLDSBY, THOMAS [Richard Harris Barham]. The Ingoldsby Legends.
10. BRONTË, EMILY. Novels of Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë II: Wuthering Heights, with a preface and memoir of Emily and Anne Brontë, by Charlotte Brontë.
11. DARWIN, CHARLES. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection on the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life, note G. Allen, 1901, index, vi+454pp., 1902.
12. BUNYAN, JOHN. The Pilgrim's Progress From This World to That Which is to Come, Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream.
13. CROSLAND, T. W. H. (comp.) English Songs and Ballads.
14. BRONTË, CHARLOTTE. Novels of Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë III: Shirley: A Tale.
15. HAZLITT, WILLIAM. Works II: Sketches & Essays.
16. HERRICK, ROBERT. The Poems of Robert Herrick.
17. DEFOE, DANIEL. Works of Daniel Defoe I: The Life & Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.
18. POPE, ALEXANDER (trans. and pref.). The Iliad of Homer.
19. CARLYLE, THOMAS. Works I: Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh, in Three Books.
20. SWIFT, JONATHAN. Gulliver's Travels, illus. A. Rackham.
21. POE, EDGAR ALLAN. Tales of Mystery and Imagination.
22. WHITE, GILBERT. The Natural History of Selborne in the County of Southampton.
23. DE QUINCEY, THOMAS. Works of Thomas De Quincey I: Confessions of an English Opium-Eater.
24. BACON, FRANCIS. Essays.
25. HAZLITT, WILLIAM. Works III: Winterslow: Essays and Characters Written There.
26. HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. The Scarlet Letter.
27. MACAULAY, LORD. Lays of Ancient Rome, with Ivry and The Armada.
28. THACKERAY, W. M. The History of Henry Esmond, Esq.: A Queen Anne, Written by Himself, Edited by W.M. Thackeray.
29. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Ivanhoe: A Romance.
30. EMERSON, RALPH WALDO. Works II: English Traits and Representative Men.
31. ELIOT, GEORGE. Works I: The Mill on the Floss.
32. PEACOCK, W. Selected English Essays.
33. HUME, DAVID. Essays: Moral, Political and Literary
34. BURNS, ROBERT. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns.
35. GIBBON, EDWARD. The History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire.
36. POPE, ALEXANDER (trans.). Works II: The Odyssey of Homer.
37. DRYDEN, JOHN (trans.). The Works of Virgil [The Aeneid; Georgics; Pastorals].
38. DICKENS, CHARLES. Works II: A Tale of Two Cities.
39. LONGFELLOW, H. W. Poetical Works I: Evangeline, The Golden Legend, etc.
40. STERNE, LAURENCE. The Life & Opinions of Tristam Shandy, Gentleman.
41. BUCKLE, HENRY THOMAS. History of Civilization in England, Vol. I.
42. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. Works I: Romaunt of the Rose; Minor poems, from the text 1903.
43. MACHIAVELLI, NICOLÒ The Prince, trans. L. Ricci, viii+106pp., 1903.
44. GIBBON, EDWARD The History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. II, map, xvii+597pp., 1903.
45. PEACOCK, W. (sel.) English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin [Sir J. Mandeville; J. Wycliffe; G. Chaucer; Sir T. Malory; Lord Berners; Sir T. More; H. Latimer; Sir T. Elyot; R. Ascham; R. Holinshed; Sir T. North; Sir W. Raleigh; R. Hakluyt; J. Florio; Sir P. Sydney; R. Hooker; F. Bacon; J. Hall; R. Burton; Sir T. Overbury; J. Selden; I. Walton; J. Earle; O. Felltham; Sir T. Browne; T. Fuller; E. Hyde (Clarendon); J. Milton; J. Taylor; R. Baxter; A. Cowley; J. Evelyn; J. Bunyan; G. Savile (Halifax); J. Dryden; S. Pepys; D. Dafoe; J. Swift; Sir R. Steele; J. Addison; A. Pope; P.D. Stanhope (Chesterfield); H. Fielding; S. Johnson; D. Hume; L. Sterne; H. Walpole; G. White; A. Smith; Sir J. Reynolds; O. Goldsmith; E. Burke; W. Cowper; E. Gibbon; J. Boswell; M. Edgeworth; Sir W. Scott; S.T. Coleridge; R. Southey; J. Austen; C. Lamb; W.S. Landor; H. Hallam; W. Hazlitt; T. de Quincey; P.B. Shelley; J.G. Lockhart; T. Carlyle; T.B. Macaulay; W.M. Thackeray; C. Dickens; J.A. Froude; C. Kingsley; J. Ruskin], pref., xiii+379pp., 1903.
46. TOLSTÓY, LEO Works I: Essays and Letters [Industry and idleness; Why do men stupefy themselves?; An afterword to `The Kretzer Sonata'; The first step; Non-acting; An afterword to an account of relief supplied to the famine-stricken; Religion and morality; Reason and religion; Shame!; Letters to Peter Verígin, the Doukhobór leader; Letter on non-resistance: to E.H. Crosby; How to read the Gospels, and what is essential in them; A letter to Russian liberals; Timothy Bóndaref; Letters on Henry George; Modern science; Letter to a non-commissioned officer; Patriotism and government; `Thou shalt not kill'; To the Tsar and his assistants; A reply to the Synod's edict of excommunication; What is religion, and wherein lies its essence?; Letter on education; An appeal to the clergy; Thoughts selected from private letters: Two views of life; Matter is the limit of spirit; The
47. BRONTË, CHARLOTTE Novels of Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë IV: Villette, vi+573pp., 1903. [DJI ?]
48. BUCKLE, HENRY THOMAS History of Civilization in England, Vol. II, vi+473pp., 1903.
49. À KEMPIS, THOMAS [Thomas Haemmerlein] Of the Imitation of Christ: Four Books, xii+291pp., 1903. [?]
50. THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE Works II: The Book of Snobs; and, Sketches & Travels
51. GIBBON, EDWARD The History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. III, map, xvi+572pp., 1904.
52. WATTS-DUNTON, THEODORE Aylwin, [pagination?], 1904. [?]
53. BUCKLE, HENRY THOMAS History of Civilization in England, Vol. III, 512pp., 1904.
54. SMITH, ADAM An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Vol. I, frontis. port. of Smith, viii+468pp., 1904.
55. GIBBON, EDWARD The History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. IV, map, xvi+602pp., 1904.
56. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY Works II: Troilus and Creseyde; The Hous of Fame; The Legend of Good Women, from the text of W.W. Skeat, viii+395pp., 1903.
57. HAZLITT, WILLIAM Works IV: The Spirit of the Age, or Contemporary Portraits [Jeremy Bentham; William Godwin; Mr. Coleridge; Rev. Mr. Irving; Mr. Horne Tooke; Sir Walter Scott; Lord Byron; Mr. Southey; Mr. Wordsworth; Sir James Mackintosh; Mr. Malthus; Mr. Canning; Mr. Gifford; Mr. Brougham–Sir F. Burdett; Lord Eldon–Mr. Wilberforce; Mr. Cobbett; Mr. Campbell–Mr. Crabbe; Mr. T. Moore–Mr Leigh Hunt; Elia–Geoffrey Crayon], 271pp., 1904.
58. BROWNING, ROBERT Poems and Plays: 1833-1842, vi+494pp., 1904. [?]
59. SMITH, ADAM An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Vol. II, index, viii+687pp., 1904.
60. AURELIUS, MARCUS The Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, trans., pref. and intro. John Jackson, notes, xx+135pp., 1906.
61. HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL Works I: The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table: Every man his own Boswell, 271pp., 1904. [DJ Blue on white/ front cover: illustration: “The Schoolmistress reddened a little, but looked pleased (Page 157)”/ “`Oliver Wendell Holmes has been sandwiched in my affections these many years between Oliver Goldsmith anDATE Charles Lamb'–Sir William Osler, 1923]
62. CARLYLE, THOMAS On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History, 245pp., 1904.
63. ELIOT, GEORGE Works II: Adam Bede, frontis. portrait of Eliot, vii+597pp., 1904. [DJ `Dinah Morris Preaching (see page 21)', 1922]
64. GIBBON, EDWARD The History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. V, map, xvi+582pp., 1904.
65. MONTAIGNE The Essayes of Michael Lord of Montaigne, Vol. I, trans. John Florio, ix+429pp., 1904.
66. BORROW, GEORGE Works I: Lavengro: The Scholar, The Gipsy, The Priest, xxi+629pp., 1904.
67. BRONTË, ANNE Novels of Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë V: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 480pp., 1906.
68. THOREAU, HENRY DAVID Walden; or Life in the Woods, intro. Theodore Watts-Dunton, front. port. of author [?], xvi+299pp., 1906.
69. GIBBON, EDWARD The History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. VI, map, xviii+568pp., 1906.
70. MONTAIGNE The Essayes of Michael Lord of Montaigne, Vol. II, trans. John Florio, vi+605pp., 1906.
71. BURKE, EDMUND The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. I [A vindication of natural society…; A philosophical inquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful…; A short account of a late short administration; Observations on a late publication intituled The Present State of the Nation], gen. intro. William Willis, pref. F.W.R.[affety], xxxv+363pp., 1906.
72. TOLSTÓY, LEO Twenty-Three Tales
73. BORROW, GEORGE Works II: Romany Rye: A Sequel to `Lavengro', appendix, xv+[1]+439pp., 1906.
74. GIBBON, EDWARD The History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. VII, map, with Index [to 7 vols.], xv+505pp., 1906.
75. BORROW, GEORGE Works III: The Bible in Spain; Or, The Journeys, Adventures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman in an Attempt to Circulate Scriptures in the Peninsula, with bibliog. note, xxvi+600pp., 1906.
76. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY Works III: Canterbury Tales, from the text of Professor Skeat, note on the language and metre, glos., vi+632 pp., 1906.
77. MONTAIGNE The Essayes of Michael Lord of Montaigne, Vol. III, trans. John Florio, 440pp., 1906.
78. BRONTË, CHARLOTTE Brontë Novels and Poems VI: The Professor, and The Poems Of Charlotte, Emily & Anne Brontë, with index to first lines of poems, intro. Theodore Watts-Dunton, xxii+427pp., 1906.
79. SHERIDAN, RICHARD BRINSLEY The Dramatic Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan [The Rivals; St Patrick's Day…; The Duenna; The School for Scandal; The Critic…; A Trip to Scarborough; Pizarro…; Verses to the Memory of Garrick], intro. and notes Joseph Knight, chronology, appendices, xxi+494pp., 1906.
80. ELIOT, GEORGE Works III: Silas Marner; The Lifted Veil; Brother Jacob, intro. `George Eliot as a Plot- Novelist' by Theodore Watts-Dunton, vii+297pp., 1906.
81. BURKE, EDMUND The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. II [Thoughts on the cause of the present discontents, 1770; Speech on American taxation, 1774; Speeches at his arrival at Bristol and at the conclusion of the poll, 1774; Speech on moving the resolutions for conciliation with the colonies, 1775; Letter…on the affairs of America, 1777; Two letters…relative to the trade of Ireland, 1778; Speech on…a Plan for the better security of the independence of Parliament [1780]], pref. F. W. Raffety, xvi+385pp., 1906.

82 DEFOE, DANIEL Works II: The Life, Adventures & Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton, intro., Theodore Watts-Dunton, frontis. port. of Defoe, xxii+303pp., 1906.
83 JOHNSON, SAMUEL Lives of the English Poets, Vol. I [Cowley; Denham; Milton; Butler; Rochester; Roscommon; Otway; Waller; Pomfret; Dorset; Stepney; Phillips, J.; Walsh; Dryden; Smith; Duke; King; Sprat; Halifax; Parnell; Garth; Rowe; Addison; Hughes; Sheffield], intro. Arthur Waugh, 478pp., 1906. [?]
84 JOHNSON, SAMUEL Lives of the English Poets, Vol. II [Prior; Congreve; Blackmore; Fenton; Gay; Granville; Yalden; Tickell; Hammond; Somerville; Savage; Swift; Broome; Pope; Pitt; Thomson; Watts; Philips, A.; West; Collins; Dyer; Shenstone; Young; Mallet; Akenside; Gray; Lyttelton] 493pp., 1906. [?]
85 ARNOLD, MATTHEW The Poems of Matthew Arnold, 1849-1864, intro. Sir A.T. Quiller-Couch, xxiii+353pp., 1906. [?]
86 GASKELL, ELIZABETH C. The Novels and Tales of Mrs Gaskell I: Mary Barton, intro. Clement Shorter, xii+464pp., 1906.
87 HOOD, THOMAS Poems of Thomas Hood, intro. Walter Jerrold, index of first lines, xix+516pp., 1907.
88 GASKELL, ELIZABETH C. The Novels and Tales of Mrs Gaskell II: Ruth, intro. Clement Shorter, chronology, xii+458pp., 1906.
89 HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL Works II: Professor at the Breakfast-Table, intro. Sir W. Robertson Nicoll, ix+273pp., 1906.
90 SMOLLETT, TOBIAS Travels Through France and Italy, intro. Thomas Seccombe, frontis. port. of Smollett, appendices (bibliog. of books in intro.; notes on vocabulary; currency of Savoy), lxii+352pp., 1907.
91 THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE Pendennis: His Fortunes and His Misfortunes His Friends and His Greatest Enemy, Vol. I, intro. Edmund Gosse, xvi+472pp., 1907.
92 THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE Pendennis: His Fortunes and His Misfortunes His Friends and His Greatest Enemy, Vol. II, frontis.: port. of Thackeray, vi+496pp., 1907.
93 BACON, FRANCIS Advancement of Learning; and, The New Atlantis, pref. Thomas Case, chronology, xxiii+275pp., 1906.
94 SCOTT, SIR WALTER Lives of the Novelists [Fielding; Smollett; Le Sage; Charles Johnstone; Sterne; Goldsmith; Johnson; Mackenzie; Walpole; Reeve; Richardson; Bage; Cumberland; Mrs Radcliffe], intro. Austin Dobson, frontis. Sir Walter Scott, xi+342pp., 1906.
95 HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL Works III: The Poet at the Breakfast-Table, intro. W. Robertson Nicoll, viii+307pp., 1906.
96 MOTLEY, JOHN LOTHROP The Rise of the Dutch Republic: A History, Vol. I, intro. Clement Shorter, chronology, pref., xxvi+560pp., 1906.
97 MOTLEY, JOHN LOTHROP The Rise of the Dutch Republic: A History, Vol. II, xiv+612pp., 1906. [DJI ?]
98 MOTLEY, JOHN LOTHROP The Rise of the Dutch Republic: A History, Vol. III, index (to 3 vols), xi+591pp., 1906.
99 COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR The Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, intro. Sir A.T. Quiller-Couch, pref., index of first lines, xxxviii+391pp., 1907.
100 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM Works I; The Tempest; The Two Gentlemen of Verona; The Merry Wives of Windsor; Measure for Measure, lxi+327pp., 1910.
101 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM Works II: The Comedy of Errors; Much Ado About Nothing; Love's Labour's Lost; A Midsummer-Night's Dream; The Merchant of Venice, 402pp., 1910.
102 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM Works III: As You Like It; The Taming of the Shrew; All's Well That Ends Well; Twelfth Night: Or, What You Will; The Winter's Tale, glos. to the Comedies, 527pp., 1910. 103 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM Works IV: The Life and Death of King John; The Tragedy of King Richard the Second; The First Part of King Henry the Fourth; The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth, 387pp., 1911. 104 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM Works V: The Life of King Henry the Fifth; The First Part of King Henry the Sixth; The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth; The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth, 410pp., 1911. 105 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM Works VI: The Tragedy of King Richard the Third; The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth; Venus and Adonis; The Rape of Lucrece; Sonnets; A Lover's Complaint; The Passionate Pilgrim; Sonnets to Sundry Notes of Music; The Phoenix and the Turtle, glos. to the Histories and Poems, 529pp., 1911. 106 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM Works VII: Troilus and Cressida; Coriolanus; Titus Andronicus; Romeo and Juliet, 420pp., 1911. 107 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM Works VIII: Timon of Athens; Julius Caesar; Macbeth; Hamlet, Prince of Denmark; King Lear, 487pp., 1911. [?1912] 108 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM Works IX: Othello, the Moor of Venice; Antony and Cleopatra; Cymbeline; Pericles, Prince of Tyre, glos. to the Tragedies, 547pp., 1912. 109 HERBERT, GEORGE The Poems of George Herbert, based on edn of Dr A.B. Grosart, intro. Arthur Waugh, xxvii+277pp., 1907. 110 GASKELL, ELIZABETH C. The Novels and Tales of Mrs Gaskell III: Cranford; The Cage at Cranford; The Moorland Cottage, intro. Clement Shorter, notes to `Cranford', xvi+331pp., 1907. 111 BURKE, EDMUND The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. III [Speech at Bristol…, 1780; Speech at Bristol declining the poll, 1780; Speech on Fox's East India Bill…, 1783; A representation to His Majesty…1784…; Speech on…the Nabob of Arcot…, 1785; …Speech on the army estimates…, 1790; Speech on the Acts of Uniformity; Speech on…Bill for the relief of protestant dissenters, 1773; Speech on…Acts respecting Religious Opinions…, 1792; Speech on…the Middlesex Election [1771]; Speech on a bill for shortening the duration of Parliaments; Speech on…the State of representation of the Commons… [1782]; Speech on…the Powers of juries in prosecutions for libels; Speech on…the Repeal of the Marriage Act; Speech on…a bill to quiet the possessions of the subjects against dormant claims of the Church], introd. Frank H. Willis, xiv+391pp. 1906. 112 BURKE, EDMUND The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. IV [Reflections on the Revolution in France, 1790; A Letter to a member of the National Assembly; Thoughts on French affairs, 1791], pref. F.W. Raffety, xiii+375pp., 1907. [DJ Painting of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, 1925] 113 BURKE, EDMUND The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. V [An appeal from the New to the Old Whigs; A letter to a peer of Ireland on the penal laws against Irish Catholics; A letter to Sir H. Langrishe on the subject of the Roman Catholics of Ireland; Heads for consideration on the present state of affairs…; Remarks on the policy of the Allies with respect to France; Observations on the conduct of the minority; Address to the King; Address to the British colonists in North America], pref. F.W. Raffety, xi+375pp., 1907. [DJ Painting of Charles James Fox, 1928] 114 BURKE, EDMUND The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. VI [Thoughts and details on scarcity; Letter to a Noble Lord; Letters on the proposals for peace with the regicide Directory of France: I On the overtures of peace, II On the genius and character of the French Revolution as it regards other nations, 1796, III On the rupture of the negotiation, etc., 1797, IV To the Earl Fitzwilliam], pref. F.W. Raffety, xiii+405pp., 1907. 115 HUNT, LEIGH Essays and Sketches, sel. and intro. R. Brimley Johnson, xx+419pp., 1906. 116 SOPHOCLES The Seven Plays in English Verse [Antigone; Aias; King Oedipus; Electra; The Trachinian Maidens; Philoctetes; Oedipus at Colonus], trans. and pref. Lewis Campbell, pref. note to the edn of 1883, notes, xxvii+316pp., 1906. 117 AESCHYLUS The Seven Plays in English Verse [The Suppliants, The Persians; Seven against Thebes; Agamemnon; The Choephoroe; The Eumenides; Prometheus Bound], trans. and pref. Lewis Campbell, pref. note to the edn of 1890, notes, xxii+278pp., 1906. 118 BROWN, JOHN, Dr. Horae Subsecivae: Rab and his Friends and Other Papers, frontis: portrait of Brown, pref., intro. Austin Dobson, xviii+350pp., 1907.] 119 DICKENS, CHARLES Margaret Catchpole: A Suffolk Girl, intro. Clement Shorter, author's pref., supplement by the author, xx+423pp., 1907. 120 DICKENS, CHARLES Works III: The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, Vol. I, illus. Seymour and `Phiz', pref., xviii+484pp., 1907. 121 DICKENS, CHARLES Works IV: The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, Vol. II, illus. Seymour and `Phiz', xii+474pp., 1907. 122 JERROLD, DOUGLAS Mrs Caudle's Curtain Lectures, and Other Stories and Essays, ed. and intro. Walter Jerrold, frontis.: D. Jerrold, pref., chronology, list of illus., xii+438pp., 1907. 123 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER The Complete Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, ed., pref., intro. and notes Austin Dobson, chronology, appendices, xxxvi+280pp., 1907. 124 HAZLITT, WILLIAM Lectures on the English Comic Writers [Introductory–on wit and humour; On Shakespeare and Ben Jonson; On Cowley, Butler, Suckling, Etherege, etc.; On Wycherley, Congreve, Vanburgh, and Farquhar; On the periodical essayists; On the English novelists; On the works of Hogarth…; On the comic writers of the last century], text of 3rd edn 1841, intro. R. Brimley Johnson, xv+248pp., 1907. 125 CARLYLE, THOMAS The French Revolution: A History, Vol. I, intro. C.R.L. Fletcher, xxxvi+501pp., 1907. 126 CARLYLE, THOMAS The French Revolution: A History, Vol. II, index to both vols, viii+496pp., 1907. 127 HORNE, RICHARD HENGIST A New Spirit of the Age [Charles Dickens; Lord Ashley and Dr. Southwood Smith; Thomas Ingoldsby; Walter Savage Landor; William and Mary Howitt; Dr. Pusey; G.R.R. James, Mrs. Gore, Captain Marryat, and Mrs. Trollope; T.N. Talfourd; R.M. Milnes and Hartley Coleridge; Sydney Smith, A. Fonblanque, and D. Jerrold; William Wordsworth and Leigh Hunt; Alfred Tennyson; T.B. Macaulay; Thomas Hood and Theodore Hook; Harriet Martineau and Mrs. Jameson; Sheridan Knowles and William Macready; Miss E.B. Barrett and Mrs. Norton; Banim and the Irish novelists; Robert Browning and J.W. Marston; Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton; William Harrison Ainsworth; Mrs. Shelley; Robert Montgomery; Thomas Carlyle; Henry Taylor and the author of `Festus'], intro. Walter Jerrold, pref. to the 1st edition, chronology, xxii+471pp., 1907. 128 DICKENS, CHARLES Works V: Great Expectations, 6 illus. Warwick Goble, x+540pp., 1907. 129 AUSTEN, JANE Emma, intro. E.V. Lucas, xv+432pp., 1907. [?] 130 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, MIGUEL DE Don Quixote, Vol. I, trans. Charles Jervas, ed., intro., and notes James Fitzmaurice-Kelly, frontis. (between p. ii and iii), author's pref., xxxi+551pp, 1907. 131 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, MIGUEL DE Don Quixote, Vol. II, trans. Charles Jervas, ed., intro., and notes James Fitzmaurice-Kelly, pref., xii+582pp., 1907. 132 HUNT, LEIGH The Town: Its Memorable Characters and Events, intro. and notes Austin Dobson, frontis.: port. of Hunt, xix+527pp., 1907. 133 PALGRAVE, FRANCIS TURNER (sel.) The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language: With Additional Poems (to the end of the Nineteenth Century), pref. and notes, index of writers, index of first lines, xiii+432pp., 1907. 134 ARISTOPHANES Four Plays in English Verse [The Acharnians, The Knights, The Birds, The Frogs], trans. John Hookham Frere, intro. W.W. Merry, xxi+358pp., 1907. 135 ANSTER, JOHN (trans.) Marlowe's Tragical History of Faustus and Goethe's Faust, Part 1, intro. Sir Adolphus William Ward, xxx+235pp., 1907. 136 BUTLER, JOSEPH Butler's Analogy of Religion: Natural and Revealed to the Constitution and Course of Nature, ed. and pref. W.E. Gladstone, Account by Bishop Halifax of the moral and religious systems of Bishop Butler, chronology, index, xxxv+424pp., 1907. 137 BROWNING, ROBERT The Poems of Robert Browning, 1842-1864: Dramatic Lyrics and Romances, Men and Women, and Dramatis Personae, index to titles, index to first lines, xi+456pp., 1907. 138 COWPER, WILLIAM William Cowper's Letters: A Selection, ed. E.V. Lucas, xxxviii+511pp., 1907. 139 GIBBON, EDWARD Autobiography of Edward Gibbon, ed. Lord Sheffield, intro. J.B. Bury, xxxi+339pp., 1907. 140 TROLLOPE, ANTONY The Three Clerks, intro. W. Teignmouth Shore, xvi+567pp., 1907. 141 BRONTË, ANNE Novels of Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë VII: Agnes Grey, chronology, viii+208pp., 1907. 142 FIELDING, HENRY Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon, with a Fragment of a Comment on L. Bolingbroke's essays, ed., intro. and notes Austin Dobson, chronology, frontis.: drawing of Fielding, xx+187pp., 1907. 143 WELLS, CHARLES Joseph and His Brethren: A Dramatic Poem, intro. Algernon Charles Swinburne, note on Rossetti and Wells by Theodore Watts-Dunton, lviii+230pp., 1908. [DJI ?] 144 CARLYLE, THOMAS Works V: The Life of John Sterling, intro. W. Hale White, summary, index, xxxvi+295pp., 1907. 145 RUSKIN, JOHN Works: Sesame and Lilies [Two lectures: 1. Of kings' treasuries; 2. Of queens' gardens], prefs., index, 138pp.; Ethics of the Dust [Ten lectures to lttle housewives on the elements of crystallization: I. The valley of diamonds; II. The pyramid builders; III. The crystal life; IV. The crystal orders; V. Crystal virtues; VI. Crystal quarrels; VII. Home virtues; VIII. Crystal caprice; IX. Crystal sorrows; X. The crystal rest], prefs., personae, notes, index, 224pp., Ruskin House edn, 1907. 146 RUSKIN, JOHN Works: Time and Tide [by Weare and Tyne: Twenty-five letters to a working man of Sunderland on the laws of work], index; The Crown of Wild Olive [Four lectures on industry and war] index, Ruskin House edn, 407pp., 1907. 147 RUSKIN, JOHN Works: `A Joy Forever' 1), trans. and pref. Louise and Aylmer Maude, list of characters [in each story], viii+371pp., 1916. 209 TOLSTÓY, LEO Resurrection: A Novel, trans. Louise Maude, intro. Aylmer Maude, pronunciation of Russian names, names of characters, xiv+461pp., 1916. 210 TOLSTÓY, LEO Anna Karénina: A Novel, Vol. I, trans. Louise and Aylmer Maude, xiii+493pp., 1918. 211 TOLSTÓY, LEO Anna Karénina: A Novel, Vol. II, trans. Louise and Aylmer Maude, ix+438pp., 1918. 212 SMITH, D. NICHOL (intro.) Shakespeare Criticism: A Selection [J. Heminge and H. Condell; B. Jonson; J. Milton; I.M.S.; T. Fuller; M. Cavendish; J. Dryden; E. Phillips; N. Rowe; J. Addison and R. Steele; A. Pope; T. Gray; J. Warton; H. Home; G. Lyttelton; S. Johnson; T. Whately; W. Richardson; M. Morgann; C. Lamb; S.T. Coleridge; W. Hazlitt; F. Jeffery; T. de Quincey; W.S. Landor; T. Carlyle],xxxi+416pp., 1916. 213 NEKRASSOV, N. Who Can Be Happy and Free in Russia?, trans. Juliet M. Soskice, intro. David Soskice, xxi+339pp., 1917. 214 GASKELL, ELIZABETH C. Life of Charlotte Brontë, intro. Clement Shorter, index, xx+476pp., 1919. 215 KEITH, ARTHUR BERRIEDALE (ed. and pref.) Selected Speeches and Documents on British Colonial Policy, 1763-1917, Vol. I 216 KEITH, ARTHUR Selected Speeches [VI. The Union of self-governing dominions; VIII. The relations of the dominions to foreign powers; IX The unity of the Empire], index, viii+424pp., 1918.] 217 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Warden, v+266pp., 1918. 218 WHITMAN, WALT Leaves of Grass, sel., ed. and intro. Ernest de Sélincourt, index of titles and first lines, xxxix+392pp., 1920. 219 PEACOCK, WILLIAM (sel., arr. and pref.) English Prose, Vol. I, Wycliffe to Clarendon [J. Wycliffe; Sir J. Mandeville; G. Chaucer; W. Caxton; Sir T. Malory; Lord Berners; Sir T. More; Sir T. Elyot; H. Latimer; W. Tyndale; T. Cranmer; R. Ascham; R. Holinshed; J. Foxe; Sir T. North; E. Spenser; Sir W. Raleigh; W. Adlington; P. Nichols; R. Hakluyt; J. Florio; Sir P. Sidney; R. Hooker; J. Lyly; C. Marlowe; Authorized Version of the Bible; F. Bacon; W. Shakespeare; T. Nash; J. Donne; B. Jonson; J. Hall; T. Shelton; S. Purchas; R. Burton; F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher; Sir T. Overbury; Lord Herbert; T. Hobbes; J. Selden; W. Drummond; I. Walton; J. Howell; J. Earle; O. Feltham; Sir T. Browne; T. Fuller; E. Hyde (Clarendon)], xv+590pp., 1921. 220 PEACOCK, WILLIAM (sel. and arr.) English Prose, Vol. II, Milton to Gray [J. Milton; T. Urquhart; R. Leighton; J. Taylor; R. Baxter; Sir R. L'Estrange; A. Cowley; L. Hutchinson; J. Evelyn; M. Cavendish (Newcastle); J. Bunyan; Sir W. Temple; I. Barrow; J. Tillotson; G. Savile (halifax); J. Dryden; J. Locke; S. Pepys; R. South; T. Ken; G. Burnet; W. Penn; D. Defoe; J. Swift; W. Congreve; B. de Mandeville; Sir R. Steele; J. Addison; H. St. John (Bolingbroke); G. Berkeley; W. Law; A. Pope; S. Richardson; Lady M.W. Montague; J. Butler; P.D. Stanhope (Chesterfield); J. Wesley; H. Fielding; S. Johnson; D. Hume; L. Sterne; T. Gray], xi+593pp., 1921. 221 PEACOCK, WILLIAM (sel. and arr.) English Prose, Vol. III, Walpole to Lamb [H. Walpole; G. White; T. Smollett; W. Robertson; A. Smith; Sir J. Reynolds; O. Goldsmith; E. Burke; W. Cowper; E. Gibbon; J. Boswell; W. Paley; H. Mackenzie; R.B. Sheridan; F. Burney; W. Blake; W. Cobbett; A. Radcliffe; M. Edgeworth; J. Foster; W. Wordsworth; M. Park; Sir W. Scott; S, Smith; S.T. Coleridge; R. Southey; J. Austen; C. Lamb], x+552pp., 1921. 222 PEACOCK, WILLIAM (sel. and arr.) English Prose, Vol. IV, Landor to Holmes [W.S. Landor; H. Hallam; W. Hazlitt; J. Galt; C. Waterton; W. Irving; J.H.L. Hunt; T. de Quincey; Sir W. Napier; T.L. Peacock; M.R. Mitford; Lord Byron; J.F. Cooper; H.H. Milman; Sir A. Alison; P.B. Shelley; J.G. Lockhart; T. Arnold; T. Carlyle; W.H. Prescott; T.B. Macaulay; J.H. Newman; E.B. Lytton; G. Borrow; R.W. Emerson; N. Hawthorne; B. Disraeli; E.A. Poe; C.R. Darwin; A.W. Kinglake; O.W. Holmes], viii+622pp., 1921. 223 PEACOCK, WILLIAM (sel. and arr.) English Prose, Vol. V, Mrs Gaskell to Henry James [E.C. Gaskell; J. Brown; W.M. Thackeray; C. Dickens; J.L. Motley; C. Reade; A. Trollope; C. Brontë; E.J. Brontë; J.A. Froude; C. Kingsley; G. Eliot; J. Ruskin; J.R. Lowell; M. Arnold; G. Meredith; H. Kingsley; S. Butler; W. Pater; H. James; R.L. Stevenson], viii+563pp., 1921. 224 BORROW, GEORGE Wild Wales: Its People, Language and Scenery, xv+622pp., 1920. 225 MELVILLE, HERMAN Moby-Dick; or, The Whale, intro. Viola Meynell, xii+675+[1]pp., 1920. 226 COLLINS, WILKIE Woman in White, pref. to edn of 1861, vii+636pp., 1921. 227 VIRGIL The Poems of Virgil [The Aenied; The Georgics; The Ecologues], trans. into English verse, and prefs. James Rhoades, xii+424pp., 1921. 228 MILFORD, HUMPHREY SUMNER (ed.) Selected English Short Stories: XIX and XX Centuries (Second Series) [The sailor uncle/M.A. Lamb; First going to church/C. Lamb; The maypole of Merry Mount, The grey champion, Roger Malvin's burial, Old Esther Dudley/N. Hawthorne; The purloined letter, The cask of Amontillado/E.A. Poe; The holly tree/C. Dickens; A terribly strange bed/W.W. Collins; `The sweetness of a man's friend'/W.H. White; Ananda the miracle worker/R. Garnett; The outcasts of Poker Flat, How Santa Claus came to Simpson's/F.B. Harte; Peppiniello/C. Grant; A horseman in the sky/A. Bierce; Owen Wingrave, Four meetings/H. James; The Sire de Malétroit's door/R.L. Stevenson; The birthday of the Infanta/O. Wilde; A poor gentleman/G. Gissing; The house of Eulalie/H. Harland; The gift of the Magi, A municipal report, Madame Bo-Peep, of the ranches/W.S. Porter (O'Henry); The gap in the wall, A witch in the peak/R.M. Gilchrist; The stowaway/G.W. Cornish], ix+483pp., 1921. 229 TOLSTÓY, LEO A Confession; and, What I Believe, trans. and intro. Aylmer Maude, xii+390pp., 1921. 230 BENECKE, ELSE C. M. and BUSCH, MARIE (trans.) Selected Polish Tales [The outpost/B. Prus; A pinch of salt, Kowalski the carpenter/ A. Szymánski; Forebodings/S. Zeromski; A Polish scene, Death/W. St. Reymont; The sentence/J. Kaden-Bandrowski; `P.P.C.'/Mme Rygier-Nalkowska], pref. Marie Busch, x+348pp., 1921. 231 KEITH, ARTHUR BERRIEDALE (ed.) Speeches and Documents on Indian Policy, Vol. I [I. The East India Company and the foundation of British India, 1750-1858], preface, xxxi+386pp., 1922.] [?] [DJ Standard global map design/ black and white on light blue, 1922] 232 KEITH, ARTHUR BERRIEDALE (ed.) Speeches and Documents on Indian Policy II [II. India as a British dependency 1858-1914; III The war and responsible government in India, 1914-21], vi+364pp., 1922.] 233 TOLSTÓY, LEO War and Peace: A Novel, Vol. I, trans. Louise and Aylmer Maude, intro. Aylmer Maude, List of Russian names, xxxii+439pp., 1922-1923. 234 TOLSTÓY, LEO War and Peace: A Novel, Vol. II, trans. Louise and Aylmer Maude, List of Russian names, xi+539pp., 1922-1923. 235 TOLSTÓY, LEO War and Peace: A Novel, Vol. III, trans. Louise and Aylmer Maude, List of Russian names, xi+548pp., 1922-1923. 236 EMERSON, RALPH WALDO Nature and Other Miscellanies [Nature; The American Scholar; An address to the senior class….; Literary ethics; The method of nature; Man the reformer; Lecture on the times; The conservative; The transcendentalist; The young American], v+278pp., 1922. 237 BURKE, EDMUND Letters of Edmund Burke: A Selection, ed. and intro. H.J. Laski, index, xvi+430pp., 1922. 238 MORIER, JAMES The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan, ed., intro. and notes C.W. Stewart, map, xxiii+453pp., 1923. 239 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY An Autobiography, intro. M. Sadleir, pref. Henry M. Trollope, xxxiv+335pp., 1923. 240 JONES, EDMUND D. (sel., ed. and pref.) English Critical Essays (Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries) [An apology for poetry/Sir P. Sidney; From `Observations in the art of English poesy'/T. Campion; A defence of rhyme/S. Daniel; The nature of poetry/F. Bacon; Extracts from `Timber', To the memory of William Shakespeare/B. Jonson; Preface to Samson Agonistes/J. Milton; An essay of dramatic poesy, Preface to the fables/J. Dryden; From `The advancement and reformation of modern poetry'/J. Dennis; An essay on criticism/A. Pope; Chevy Chase, Criticisms on Paradise Lost, The fairy way of writing/J. Addison; Poetic diction, Dodsley's miscellany/T. Gray; Conjectures on original composition/E. Young; Heroic and Gothic manners, Spenser and Milton, The Fairie Queene/R. Hurd; Dryden as critic and poet, Gray/S. Johnson; Preface to Milton's minor poems/T. Warton], viii+460pp., 1922. [?] 241 AKSAKOFF, SERGHEI A Russian Gentleman, trans. J.D. Duff, x+283pp., 1923. 242 AKSAKOFF, SERGHEI Years of Childhood, trans. and intro. J.D. Duff, appendix, vi+446pp., 1921. [DJ Standard typographic design with Oxford crest/ black and white on yellow, 1951] 243 TOLSTÓY, LEO Plays: Complete edition including the posthumous plays [The First Distiller; The Power of Darkness; The Fruits of Enlightenment; The Live Corpse; The Cause of it all; The Light Shines in Darkness], trans. and pref. Louise and Aylmer Maude, xiv+398pp., 1923. 244 PEACOCK, THOMAS LOVE The Misfortunes of Elphin; and, Crochet Castle, intro. R.W. Chapman, xiv+282pp., 1924. 245 DOBSON, AUSTIN Eighteenth Century Vignettes, First Series,[Steele's Letters; Prior's `kitty'; Spence's `Anecdotes'; Captain Coram's Charity; `The Female Quixote'; Fielding's `Voyage to Lisbon'; Hanway's Travels; A garret in Gough Square; Hogarth's Sigismunda; `The Citizen of the World'; An old London bookseller; Gray's library; The new Chesterfield; A day at Strawberry Hill; Goldsmith's library; In Cowper's arbour; The Quaker of art; Bewick's Tailpieces; A German in England; Old Vauxhall Gardens; At Leicester Fields], frontis. Richard Steele, prefs, notes, general index, 308pp., 1923. [?] 246 DOBSON, AUSTIN Eighteenth Century Vignettes, Second Series, [The Journal to Stella; At `Tully's Head'; Richardson at home; `Little Roubillac'; Nivernais in England; The topography of `Humphrey Clinker'; The prisoners' chaplain; Johnson's library; The two Pynes; The Berlin Hogarth; Lady Mary Coke; Ranelagh; Epilogue], frontis. Samuel Richardson, prefs, notes, general index, 306pp., 1923. 247 DOBSON, AUSTIN Eighteenth Century Vignettes, Third Series [Prologue; `Exit Roscius'; Dr. Mead's library; Grosley's `Londres'; `Polly Honeycombe'; Thos. Gent, printer; The adventures of five days; A rival of Reynolds; Fielding's library; `Cambridge, the Everything'; The Officing Arbuteana; Matthew Prior; Puckle's `Club'; Mary Lepel, Lady Hervey; The tour of Covent Garden], frontis. `Tomb of Fielding in the English Cemetary at Lisbon', illus., notes, index, xv+367pp., 1923. [?] 248 DOBSON, AUSTIN Four Frenchwomen [Mademoiselle de Corday; Madame Roland; The Princess de Lamballe; Madame de Genlis], prefs., illus., vi+212pp., 1923. 249 DOBSON, AUSTIN Poems (Selected), viii+184pp., 1923. [?] 250 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN The Life of Benjamin Franklin: Written by Himself [Historical sketch (by John Nigelow) of the fortunes and misfortunes of the autograph Ms. of Franklin's Memoirs of his own life; Franklin's outline of the topics of his Autobiography; The Autobiography; Appendixes (4)], ed. John Bigelow, lxx+247pp., 1924. 251 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Belton Estate, vi+432pp., 1923. 252 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Claverings, intro. G.S. Street, xvi+514pp., 1924. 253 MELVILLE, HERMAN White Jacket, or, the World in a Man-of-War, xx+380pp., intro. Carl van Doren, 1924.] 254 LEVY, REUBEN (trans. and intro.) The Three Dervishes and Other Persian Tales and Legends, for the most part translated from hitherto unpublished Bodleian MSS [The three dervishes; The story of Salim the Jeweller of Wásit; The generosity of Hatim Tai; Jamshid and Zuhak; The story of the sailor and the pearl merchant; The treasure of Mansur; The Palace of Nine Pavilions; Khurshidshah and the Princess of China], glos., xii+211pp., 1923. 255 HAZLITT, WILLIAM Lectures on the English Poets [On poetry in general; On Chaucer and Spenser; On Shakespeare and Milton; On Dryden and Pope; On Thomson and Cowper; On Swift, Young, Gray, Collins, etc.; On Burns, and the Old English Ballads; On the living Poets], 256pp., 1924. 256 DOBSON, AUSTIN A Paladin of Philanthropy, and Other Papers [A paladin of philanthropy (Gen. Oglethorpe); Goldsmith's poems and plays; Angelo's `Reminiscences'; The latest life of Steele; The author of `Monsieur Tonson'; Boswell's predecessors and editors; An English engraver in Paris; Old Whitehall; Luttrell's `Letters to Julia'; Changes at Charing Cross; John Gay; The Grub Street of the arts; Marteilhe's `Memoirs'; Appendix (`The burning of Whitehall')], index, frontis.: General Oglethorpe, vi+361pp., 1925. 257 DOBSON, AUSTIN Side-Walk Studies [Mrs. Woffington; St James's Park; The Covent-Garden Journal; `Chinese Shadows'; `Dear Mrs. Delany'; The `Vicar of Wakefield' and its illustrators; Dr Johnson's haunts and habitations; Titled authors of the Eighteenth Century; The story of the `Spectator'; A walk from Fulham to Chiswick; On certain quotations indicates the remoteness of the bustle of the more frequented promenades of letters, 1924] illus., index, vi+292pp., 1924. 258 DOBSON, AUSTIN Old Kensington Palace, and Other Papers [Old Kensington Palace; Percy and Goldsmith; Mr Cradock of Gumley; Madame Vigée-Lebrun; Sir John Hawkins, knight; Laureate Whitehead; Lyttelton as man of letters; Chambers the architect; Cléry's journal; The Oxford Thackeray; Appendix A (The prison of the Temple); Appendix B (The last messages)], frontis. Jean-Baptiste Cant- Hanet (otherwise Cléry), illus., index, [viii]+316pp., 1926. 259 DOBSON, AUSTIN At Prior Park, and Other Papers [At Prior Park; The portraits of Carmontelle; Garrick's `grand tour'; Loutherbourg, R.A.; A Fielding `find'; The Bailli de Suffren; Eighteenth-century Stowe; Robert Lloyd; Gray's biographer; Appendix A (Carmontelle's transparencies); Appendix B (Exhibitions of the Eidophusikon); Appendix C and postscript (Death of the Balli de Suffren)], illus., index, xi+305pp., 1925. 260 DOBSON, AUSTIN Rosalba's Journal, and Other Papers [Rosalba's journal; Streatham place; Falconer's `Shipwreck'; Prior's `Peggy'; The Gordon riots; The early years of Madame Royale; A literary printer (John Nichols); Aaron Hill; A new dialogue of the dead; Notes to A new dialogue of the dead], illus., index, 304pp., 1926. 261 AKSAKOFF, SERGE A Russian Schoolboy, trans. and intro. J.D. Duff, appendix, ix+288pp., 1924. [DJI Blue on white/ `A Village near Kazan'; `His books are fragant with the flavour of a marked and most attractive personality…Aksakoff, for all his air of simplity, is a great literary artist.' J.D. DUFF, 1924] 262 MILL, JOHN STUART Autobiography, with an appendix of hitherto unpublished speeches, intro. Harold J. Laski, index, xx+343pp., 1924. 263 DICKENS, CHARLES Edwin Drood, with a `Note on “The Mystery of Edwin Drood”' (anonymous)/ opposite title page: title page from April 1870/ 376pp., 1924] 264 DICKENS, CHARLES Hard Times, viii+398pp., 1924. [?] [DJI ?] 265 RHOADES, JAMES (trans.) Little Flowers of St Francis of Assisi; and, The Life of Brother Giles, xvi+319pp., 1925. 266 TOLSTÓY, LEO The Kreutzer Sonata, and Other Stories [Family happiness; Polikushka; The Kreutzer Sonata], trans. J.D. Duff, Louise Maude and Aylmer Maude, ed. and intro. Aylmer Maude, xix+358pp., 1924. [?] 267 KINGSLEY, HENRY Ravenshoe, viii+535pp., 1925. 268 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Barchester Towers, vii+506pp., 1925. 269 FROUDE, JAMES ANTHONY Short Studies On Great Subjects: First Series [The science of history; Times of Erasmus and Luther; The influence of the Reformation on the Scottish character; The philosophy of Catholicism; A plea for the free discussion of theological difficulties; Criticism and the Gospel history; The Book of Job; Spinoza; The Dissolution of the Monasteries; England's forgotten worthies; Homer; The lives of the Saints; Reynard the Fox; The cat's pilgrimage; Fables (The lions and the oxen, The farmer and the fox); Parable of the bread-fruit tree; Compensation], 465pp., 1924. 270 DICKENS, CHARLES The Old Curiosity Shop, 570pp., 1925. 271 KINGSLEY, HENRY The Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn, xi+548pp., 1924. 272 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Vicar of Bullhampton, xi+527pp., 1924. 273 HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL The House of the Seven Gables: A Romance, pref., x+394pp., 1924. 274 MELVILLE, HERMAN Typee: Or, A Narrative of a Four Months' Residence Among the Natives of a Valley of the Marquesas Islands; Or, A Peep at Polynesian Life [Sequel: The Story of Toby], folded map, xvi+338pp., 1923. 275 MELVILLE, HERMAN Omoo: A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas, folded map, xv+333pp., 1924. 276 CONGREVE, WILLIAM Comedies [Concerning humour in comedy; The Old Batchelor; The Double-Dealer; Love for Love; The Way of the World], ed., intro. (I: Restoration comedy; II: The style of Congreve) and notes Bonamy Dobrée, chronology, xxviii+442pp., 1925. 277 CONGREVE, WILLIAM The Mourning Bride; Poems, and Miscellanies [Incognita, or Love and Duty Reconcil'd, a novel; The Mourning Bride; Semele, an opera; The judgement of Paris; Poems upon several occasions; (A discourse on the Pindarique ode); Songs from the plays; Miscellaneous poems; Amendments of Mr. Collier's false and imperfect citations, etc.; `The Tatler', no. 292; 'Squire Bickerstaff detected; Allegory on the game of quadrille; Preface to Dryden; Letters], ed. and introd. `William Congreve' Bonamy Dobrée, note on the text, index of titles, index of first lines, xxvi+540pp. 1928. 278 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Miss Mackenzie, viii+401pp., 1924. 279 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Rachel Ray, vi+403pp., 1924. 280 MILFORD, HUMPHREY SUMNER (ed.) Selected Modern English Essays [The break-up of a great drought, Judas Iscariot–What can be said for him?/W.H. White; Ramblings in Cheapside, A medieval girl school/S. Butler; An old London bookseller/H.A. Dobson; Thackeray: a postscript/G. Saintsbury; Epsom, A.P. Primrose (Rosebery); The point of honour, Mrs Johnson/A. Meynell; Walt Whitman/Sir E. Gosse; The House of Commons/A. Birrell; With the north-east wind, Set free/R.B. Cunninghame Graham; The samphire gatherer, Her own village/W.H. Hudson; Romantic fallacies/W.P. Ker; Alphonse Daudet/J. Conrad; A farewell to Fleet Street/H.W. Nevinson; Don Quixote/Sir W. Raleigh; Mascalls, Wind in the Downs, The crystal vase/M.H. Hewlett; The rose/L.P. Smith; A portrait/J. Galsworthy; Fog, Piccadilly, Cockney humour/G.S. Street; Sunday before the War, On friendship/A. Clutton-Brock; Ville d'Avray/E.V. Lucas; On an unknown country/ H. Belloc; `A clergyman'/M. Beerbohm; The master/H.M. Tomlinson; French and English, Carlyle's `Past and Present'–an introduction; The beast of burden/W.S. Maugham; The English secret/B. de Selincourt; Aunt Ann's cottage; Philo's little trip/E.M. Forster; The humour of hoaxes, This body/R. Lynd; Too many books/G. Norwood; The portrait of a scholar/R.W. Chapman; Railroadiana, On destroying books/J.C. Squire; Shakespeare and love. Dickens/J.M. x+414pp., 1925. 281 TOLSTÓY, LEO What Then Must We Do?, trans. Aylmer Maude, xxvii+403pp., 1925. [?] Var: rev., editor's note, xxxi+392pp., 1935. 282 JOHNSON, SAMUEL Selected Letters of Samuel Johnson, sel. and intro. R. W. Chapman, index of correspondents, xix+267pp., 1925. 283 GRAY, THOMAS Letters of Thomas Gray, ed., intro. and note John Beresford, list of letters , xxii+395pp., 1925. 284 COLLINS, V.H. (sel.) Ghosts and Marvels: A Selection of Uncanny Tales from Daniel Defoe to Algernon Blackwood [Mrs. Veal/D. Dafoe; Wandering Willie's tale/W. Scott; The werewolf/F. Marryat; The haunted and the haunters…/Lord Lytton; Young Goodman Brown/N. Hawthorne; Ligeia/E.A. Poe; A strange event in the life of Schalken the Painter/J.S. le Fanu; The lifted veil/G. Eliot; The open door/Mrs. Oliphant; The body-snatcher/R.L. Stevenson; The monkey's paw/W.W. Jacobs; The crystal egg/H.G. Wells; Ancient sorceries/A. Blackwood; The moon- slave/B. Pain; Casting the runes/M.R. James], intro. Montague R. James, xvi+506pp., 1924. 285 MORIER, JAMES The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan in England, notes, glos., xix+347pp., 1925. 286 DICKENS, CHARLES Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of 'Eighty, 663pp., 1925. [DJI ?] 287 CHAMOT, A.E. (trans. and intro.) Selected Russian Short Stories [The Queen of Spades/A.S. Pushkin; Christmas Eve/N. Gogol; Taman, Ashik-Kerib/M.Y. Lermontov; Asya/I.S. Turgenev; A nasty story/F.M. Dostoevski; The signal, The red flower/V.M. Garshin; The awkward situation, The thieves/A. Chekhov; In the Steppes, The Khan and his Son/M. Gorki; Temptation/A. Kuprin; The lie, Silence/L.N. Andreev], xiv+344pp., 1925. [DJ Illustration of a blacksmith flying upon the devil's back; with the lines: `Carry me on your back at once, do you hear?'…/ `Where to?', asked the melancholy devil. (See p. 67). [The lines are actually found on p. 61, from Gogol's `Christmas Eve'.] Blue on white, 1925] 288 BUSCH, MARIE and PICK, OTTO (trans.) Selected Czech Tales [A Kiss/K. Svetla; The vampire/Jan Neruda; Childless/I. Herrmann; The island, The living flame/K. and J. Capek; At the rotary machine/K.M. Capek-Chod; The death of Count Christopher des Loges/F.X. Salda; The naughty child/O. Theer; A shot/R. Svobodova], pref. Marie Busch, xi+258pp., 1925. 289 TRELAWNY, EDWARD JOHN The Adventures of a Younger Son, intro. Ethel Colburn Mayne, xv+544pp., 1925. [DJ Blue on white; engraving `Dropped on the crest of a monstrous wave' (Page 53); `A kind of half-Arab Englishman…his language, as he relates the events of his life, energetic and simple, whether the tale be one of blood and horror, or of irresistible comeby.' Mary Shelley, 1925] 290 SMOLLETT, TOBIAS The Expedition of Humphrey Clinker, intro. and notes L. Rice-Oxley, xx+440pp., 1925 291 DISRAELI, BENJAMIN Sybil, or, The Two Nations, [intro. Walter Sichel], xiii+431pp., 1926. 292 TAYLOR, W. D. (ed. and intro.) Eighteenth Century Comedy [The Beaux Strategem/G. Farquhar; The Conscious Lovers/Sir R. Steele; The Beggar's Opera/J. Gay; The Tragedy of Tragedies, or, The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great/H. Fielding; She Stoops to Conquer/O. Goldsmith], xxvii+413pp., 1929. 293 MILTON, JOHN Milton's Prose: A Selection [Of reformation touching church-discipline in England; The reason of church government urged against prelaty; Of education; The doctrine and discipline of divorce; `Areopagitica': A speech of Mr John Milton for the liberty of printing; The tenure of kings and magistrates; `Defensio Secunda Pro Populo Anglicano': Selections from the Translation of Robert Fellowes; A treatise of civil power in ecclesiastical causes; The ready and easy way to establish a free commonwealth], sel., ed., intro. and note on text Malcolm W. Wallace, xxix+476pp., 1925. 294 The Apocrypha: translated out of the Greek and Latin tongues; being the version set forth A.D. 1611 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1894, pref., x+433pp., 1926. 295 STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS Treasure Island, to which is prefixed his essay on `My First Book', map, xxii+256pp., 1926. 296 STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS Virginibus Puerisque; and, Across the Plains [Virginibus Puerisque and other papers: `Virginibusque Puerisque' I, II, III On falling in love, IV Truth of intercourse; Crabbed age and youth; An apology for idlers; Ordered south; Aes triplex; El Dorado; The English admirals; Some portraits by Raeburn; Child's play; Walking tours; Pan's pipes; A plea for gas lamps; Across the plains: Across the plains; The old Pacific Capital; Fontainebleau; Epilogue to `An island voyage'; Random memories; Random memories continued; The lantern- bearers; A chapter on dreams; Beggars; Letter to a young gentleman; Pulvis et umbra; A Christmas sermon], pref. note to William Ernest Henley, viii+[1]+392pp., 1926. 297 STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS Kidnapped; and, Catriona, xii+458pp., [DJI ?] 298 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Breck Stewart (with sword) and David doorway; black and white on brown, Doctor Thorne, vii+569pp., 1926. 299 MORITZ, KARL PHILIPP Anton Reiser: A Psychological Novel, intro. and trans P.E. Matheson, pref., biblio. note, index, xv+456pp., 1926. 300 CELLINI, BENVENUTO Memoirs Written by Himself, trans. Thomas Roscoe, chronological summary, index (persons, places, personal matters, works of art), xiii+535pp., 1927. 301 WRONG, E. M. (intro.) Crime and Detection [Crime and Detection: The murders in the Rue Morgue, The purloined letter/E.A. Poe; The adventure of the Red-Headed League/A. Conan Doyle; The Stanway Cameo mystery/A. Morrison; The case of Oscar Brodski, The New Jersey Sphinx/R.A. Freeman; The tragedy at Brookbend Cottage/E. Bramah; The invisible man/G.K. Chesterton; The business minister/H.C. Bailey; Crime without Detection: A costume piece/E.W. Hornung; Detection without Crime: On green paper, The face of the corpse/B. Pain], xxx+394pp., 1926. 302 HOLCROFT, THOMAS Memoirs of Thomas Holcroft: Written by Himself [Books I-V; Diary; Letters to an from the author; appendix], completed by W. Hazlitt, chronology, index, xiii+390pp., 1926. 303 WALTON, IZAAK The Lives of John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker, George Herbert & Robert Sanderson, intro. George Saintsbury, xvii+426pp. 1927. 304 WARD, A. C. (ed. and pref.) A Miscellany of Tracts and Pamphlets, XVI-XX Centuries [A Supplication for the Beggars/S. Fish; The First Blast of the Trumpet…/J. Knox; Greene's Groats- worth of wit…/R. Greene; Kemp's Nine Days' Wonder…/W. Kemp; Fragmentalia Regalia…/Sir R. Naunton; On Education/J. Milton; A Paper…from them…called Quakers/G. Fox; Killing no murder…/E. Sexby; A letter to a Dissenter/G. Savile; The Shortest Way with the Dissenters/D. Defoe; The Present State of Wit/J. Gay; A Modest Proposal concerning the Children of Poor People in Ireland/J. Swift; An Essay on…Small tracts…/S. Johnson; A Plain Account of…Methodists/J. Wesley; The American Crisis/T. Paine; A Discourse on…our Country/R. Price; A Proposal for…Reform to the Vote/P.B. Shelley; Thoughts…addressed to the Clergy/J.H. Newman; Cheap Clothes and Nasty/C. Kingsley; The Misery of Boots/H.G. Wells], introd. notes, xix+565pp, 1927. 305 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Framley Parsonage, vii+527pp, 1926. 306 LE FANU, J. SHERIDAN Uncle Silas: A Tale of Bartram-Haugh, intro. Montague R. James, xx+441pp., 1926. 307 DICKENS, CHARLES Christmas Books [A Christmas Carol; The Chimes; The Cricket on the Hearth; The Battle of Life; The Haunted Man], 472pp., 1927. 308 PEACOCK, W. (sel. and arr.) English Verse, Vol. I: The Early Lyrics to Shakespeare [Early lyrics; G. Chaucer; J. Barbour; J. Gower; J. Lydgate; R. Henryson; W. Dunbar; Anonymous 15th & 16th Cent.; J. Skelton; Sir T. Wyatt; Lord Vaux; H. Howard (Surrey); R. Edwardes; G. Gascoigne; E. de Vere (Oxford); T. Sackville (Dorset); Anonymous 17th Cent.; N. Breton; Sir E. Dyer; Sir W. Raleigh; E. Spenser; J. Lyly; A. Munday; Sir P. Sidney; F. Greville (Brooke); T. Lodge; G. Peele; R. Greene; A. Hume; S. Wastell; G. Chapmen; R. Southwell; F. Bacon; H. Constable; S. Daniel; J. Sylvester; M. Drayton; C. Marlowe; W. Shakespeare], pref., index of first lines, xvi+451pp., 1928. 309 PEACOCK, W. (sel. and arr.) English Verse, Vol. II: Campion to the Ballads [T. Campion; T. Nashe; Sir W. Alexander (Stirling); Sir H. Wotton; Sir J. Davies; Sir R. Ayton; J. Donne; B. Jonson; R. Barnefield; J. Hall; T. Heywood; J. Chalkhill; T. Dekker; J. Fletcher; R. Herrick; F. Quarles; H. King (Bish. of Chichester); B. Holyday; G. Herbert; J. Shirley; T. Carew; W. Habington; T. Randolph; Sir T Browne; Sir W. Davenant; E. Waller; J. Milton; Sir J. Suckling; W. Cartwright; J. Graham (Montrose); S. Butler; R. Crashaw; R. Lovelace; Sir J. Denham; A. Cowley; A. Marvell; H. Vaughan; T. Stanley; C. Cotton; J. Bunyan; K. Phillips; Anonymous (ballads, songs, carols, etc.)], index of first lines, xviii+618pp., 1929. 310 PEACOCK, W. (sel. and arr.) English Verse, Vol. III: Dryden to Wordsworth [J. Dryden; Sir G. Etherege; T. Flatman; C. Sackville (Dorset); Sir C. Sedley; A. Behn; J. Wilmot (Rochester); T. Otway; J. Oldham; Annd, Countess of Winchilsea; W. Walsh; M. Prior; J. Swift; W. Congreve; A. Philips; J. Addison; I. Watts; J. Philips; T. Parnell; E. Young; T. Tickell; A. Ramsay; J. Gay; A. Pope; J. Byrom; H. Carey; W. Oldys; J. Dyer; R. Blair; A. Ross; G. Halket; J. Thomson; W. Hamilton of Bangour; D. Mallet; N. Cotton; H. Fielding; S. Johnson; R. Glover; W. Shenstone; T. Gray; A. Skirving; W. Collins; M. Akenside; T.G. Smollett; C. Smart; Sir W. Blackstone; J. Elliot; O. Goldsmith; T. Warton; T. Percy; W. Cowper; W. Falconer; W.J. Mickle; J. Beattie; I. Pagan; J. Collins; A.L. Barbauld; T. Holcroft; C. Dibdin; M. Bruce; J. Logan; R. Fergusson; J.P. Curran; Lady A. Lindsay; R.B. Sheridan; T. Chatterton; G. Crabbe; W.L. Bowles; S. Rogers; R. Bloomfield; Carolina, Lady Nairne; J. Hogg; W. Wordsworth; D. Wordsworth], index of first lines, xvii+648pp., 1930. 311 PEACOCK, W. (sel. and arr.) English Verse, Vol. IV: Sir Walter Scott to Elizabeth Barrett Browning [Sir W. Scott; Anonymous; S.T. Coleridge; R. Tannahill; R. Southey; C. Lamb; C. & M. Lamb; J.B. White; W.S. Landor; J. Smith; H. Smith; T. Campbell; T. Moore; E. Thurlow; E. Elliot; A. Taylor; A. Cunningham; J.H.L. Hunt; T.L. Peacock; B.W. Procter; Lord Byron; R.H. Barham; C. Wolfe; P.B. Shelley; F. Marryat; F.D. Hemans; J. Clare; W.C. Bryant; J. Keats; G. Darley; H. Coleridge; W. Motherwell; T.H. Bayly; T. Hood; W. Thom; M. Howitt; T.B. Macaulay; W. Barnes; W.M. Praed; J.C. Mangan; T.L. Beddoes; R.S. Hawker; R.W. Emerson; F.S. Mahony; E.B. Browning], index of first lines, xvi+606pp., 1930. 312 PEACOCK, W. (sel. and arr.) English Verse, Vol. V: Longfellow to Rupert Brooke [H.W. Longfellow; Countess of Dufferin; J.G. Whittier; C.E.S. Norton; E.A. Poe; E. FitzGerald; Lord Houghton; A. Tennyson; O.W. Holmes; Sir F. Doyle; W.M. Thackeray; R. Browning; W.E. Aytoun; E. Brontë; A.H. Clough; C. Kingsley; J.R. Lowell; W. Whitman; J. Ingelow; F. Locker-Lampson; M. Arnold; W. (Johnson) Cory; C. Patmore; S. Dobell; W. Allingham; D.G. Rossetti; G. Meredith; C.G. Rossetti; C.S. Calverley; R.W. Dixon; J. Thomson; W. Morris; A.C. Swinburne; D. Gray; F.B. Harte; A. Dobson; T. Hardy; G.M. Hopkins; R. Bridges; W.E. Henley; A. Meynell; R.L. Stevenson; O. Wilde; J. Davidson; F. Thompson; L. Johnson; E. Thomas; J.E. Flecker; R. Brooke], index of first lines, xiv+531pp., 1931. 313 DOBRÉE, BONAMY (ed. and intro.) Five Restoration Tragedies [All for Love/J. Dryden; Venice Preserv'd/T. Otway; Oroonoko/T. Southerne; The Fair Penitent/N. Rome; Cato/J. Addison], xviii+450pp., 1928. 314 HAYDON, BENJAMIN ROBERT Autobiography of Benjamin Robert Haydon, intro. and epilogue Edmund Blunden, sonnets addressed to Haydon (L. Hunt; J. Keats; Carlagnulus; C. Lamb; M.R. Mitford; W. Wordsworth; E.B. Browning), list of Haydon's pictures, index, xxii+424pp., 1927. 315 MILFORD, HUMPHREY SUMNER (ed.) Selected English Short Stories: XIX and XX Centuries (Third Series) [Spine: Selected Short Stories: Third Series] [The great carbuncle, Rappaccini's daughter; Edward Randolph's portrait/N. Hawthorne; MS. found in a bottle/E.A. Poe; The old nurse's story/E.C. Gaskell; The Bagman's story/C. Dickens; The journey to Panama, La Mère Bauche/A. Trollope; Bartleby/H. Melville; The lady of Glenwith Grange/W.W. Collins; Esther/W.H. White; The elixir of life/R. Garnett; The idyll of Red Gulch, Mr. Thompson's prodigal/F.B. Harte; An occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge/A. Bierce; The middle years, The abasement of the Northmores/H. James; Will o' the mill/R.L. Stevenson; A daughter of the lodge/G. Gissing; The friendly foe/M. Coleridge; The cop and the anthem/W.S. Porter (O'Henry); The end of the world, The last posset/R.M. Gilchrist; The strategist/H.H. Munro (Saki); The open boat/S. Crane; The ghost ship/R.B. Middleton; Life of Ma Parker/K. Mansfield], viii+507pp., 1927. 316 COLLINS, WILKIE The Moonstone, intro. T.S. Eliot, prefs., xx+522pp., 1928. 317 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Dr Wortle's School, vi+273pp., 1928. 318 HARTE, BRET Short Stories [Spanish California (The beginning–and the end): Legend of Monte Diablo; Right eye of the Commander; Notes by flood and field; Tales of the Argonauts and Others: Luck of Roaring Camp; Outcasts of Poker Flat; A lonely ride; Miggles; Tennessee's partner; Idyl of Red Gulch; Waiting for the ship; Brown of Calaveras; The man of no account; Mliss; Iliad of Sandy Bar; A night at Wingdam; A Monte Flat pastoral; Mr Thompson's prodigal; How Santa Claus came to Simpson's Bar; `Who was my quiet friend?'; Romance of Madroño Hollow; Poet of Sierra Flat; Mrs. Skaggs's husbands; The saints of the foot- hills; The man from Solano; An episode of Fiddletown; Johnson's `Old Woman', Left out on Lone Star Mountain; `Chu Chu!'; Rupert's Christmas gift; Wan Lee, the pagan; High-water mark], sel. and ed. William MacDonald, pref., vi+472pp., 1928. 319 HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne [The wives of the dead; My kinsman, Major Molineux; Roger Malvin's burial; The Canterbury Pilgrims; The seven vagabonds; Mr Higginbotham's catastrophe; The grey champion; Young Goodman Brown; Wakefield; The ambitious guest; The maypole of Merry Mount; The minister's black veil; The great carbuncle; Dr Heidegger's experiment; Endicott and the red cross; Legends of the Province House (Howe's masquerade; Edward Randolph's portrait; Lady Eleanor's mantle; Old Esther Dudley); The birthmark; The celestial railroad; The Christmas banquet; Earth's holocaust; The artist of the beautiful; Drowne's wooden image; Rappaccini's daughter; The great stone face; The snow image; Ethan Brand; Feathertop], sel. and ed. Carl Van vi+511pp., 1928. 320 RVING, WASHINGTON Tales of Washington Irving [From `The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, gentleman': Rip van Winkle; The spectre bridegroom; The legend of sleepy hollow; From `Bracebridge Hall, or the Humorists: A Medley, by Geoffrey Crayon, gentleman': The stout gentleman; The haunted house: Dolph Heyliger, The storm-ship; From `Tales of a Traveller, by Geoffrey Crayon, gentleman': The Italian banditti: The inn at Terracina; The adventure of the little antiquary; The belated travellers; The adventury of the Popkins family; The painter's adventure; The story of the bandit chieftain; The story of the young robber; The adventure of the Englishman; The money-diggers: Hell-gate; Kidd the pirate; The devil and Tom Walker; Wolfert Webber, or golden dreams; The adventure of the black fisherman; From `The Alhambra': Legend of the Arabian Astrologer; Legend of Prince Ahmed al Kamel…; Legend of the Moor's legacy; Legend of the three beautiful princesses; Governor Manco and the soldier; Legend of the two discreet statues; Legend of the enchanted soldier; From `Wolfert's Roost and Other Papers…': The widow's ordeal…; Guests from Gibbet Island], sel. and ed. Carl Van Doren, vi+501pp., 1928. 321 NICOLL, ALLARDYCE (sel., ed. and intro.) Lesser English Comedies of the Eighteenth Century [The Way to Keep Him/A. Murphy; The Jealous Wife/G. Colman; Every One Has His Faults/Mrs. Inchbald; Speed the Plough/T. Morton; The Dramatist/F. Reynolds], xvi+[538]pp., 1927. [DJ Blue on white with illus. from The Way to Keep Him–Act III, 1927] 322 SMITH, JOHN THOMAS Nollekens and His Times, intro. Walter Sichel, pref. John Thomas Smith, index, xx+352pp., 1929. 323 COLLINS, V. H. (ed.) More Ghosts and Marvels: A Selection of Uncanny Tales from Sir Walter Scott to Michael Arlen [The tapestried chamber/Sir W. Scott; The Botathen ghost/R.S. Hawker; The facts in the case of M. Valdemar/E.A. Poe; The old nurse's story/ Mrs. Gaskell; No. 1 Branch Line: the signalman/C. Dickens; Squire Toby's will/J.S. le Fanu; The lady in the mirror/G. MacDonald; The case of Mr Lucraft/Sir W. Besant and J. Rice; The great good place/H. James; The upper berth/F.M. Crawford; The novel of the white powder/A. Machen; The door in the wall/H.G. Wells; Negotium perambulans/E.F. Benson; Running Wolf/ A. Blackwood; Venus/ M. Baring; The Bureau d'Échange de Maux/Lord Dunsany; Louquier's third act/K.F. Gerould; Nightmare Jack/J. Metcalfe; Where their fire is not quenched/M. Sinclair; The ancient sin/M. Arlen], viii+498pp., 1927. 324 BLAKE, WILLIAM Selected Poems by William Blake, [sel. by Charles Williams, according to DJ note], intro. Basil de Sélincourt, index of first lines, xxvi+309pp., 1927. [DJ Standard global map design/ black and white on orange, 1927] 325 MEINHOLD, WILHELM Mary Schweidler: The Amber Witch, trans. Lady Duff Cooper, intro. J.W. Mackail, repro. title page 1844, xii+247pp., 1928. 326 TREND, J. B. (rev. trans. and intro) Spanish Short Stories of the Sixteenth Century [Lazarillio de Tormes/Anon (trans. D. Rowland); The story of the Shepherdess Felismena/Jorge de Montemayor (trans. B. Young); Abindarraez and the fair Sharifa/Anon (trans. B. Young); Ozmin and Daraxa/M. Aleman (trans. J. Mabbe); Blood thicker than water (trans. J. Mabbe), The English Spaniard (trans. J. Mabbe), The History of Isabella Castruccio (trans. M.L.), The counterfeit captives (trans. M.L.), Master Peter's puppet-show (trans. T. Shelton)/M. de Cervantes], bibliog. note, xii+359pp., 1928. 327 LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER, LORD The Coming Race; and, The Haunters and the Haunted, intro. F.J. Harvey Darton, xv+229pp., 1928. 328 PALMER, E. H. (trans.) The Koran (Qur'an), intro. R.A. Nicholson, index, xix+551pp., 1928. 329 HUNT, LEIGH The Autobiography of Leigh Hunt, intro. Edmund Blunden, intro. by the author's son, index, xi+572pp., 1928. 330 BAGEHOT, WALTER The English Constitution, W. Bagehot, intro. The First Earl of Balfour, xxvi+312pp., 1928. 331 TOLSTÓY, LEO What is Art?; and, Essays on Art [Schoolboys and art; On truth in art; Introduction to Amiel's journal; Introduction to S.T. Semënov's peasant stories; Introduction to the works of Guy de Maupassant; On art; Tolstoy's preface to `What is Art?'; What is art?; Appendices to `What is Art?'; Preface to von Polenz's `Der Büttnerbauer'; An Afterword, by Tolstóy, to Chékhov's story, `Darling'], trans. and intro. Aylmer Maude, index, xix+339pp., 1930. [DJ Blue on white/ front cover: `”WHAT IS TRUTH?“, After a painting by N.N. Gay, 1890'/ `Pilate does not ask what Truth is, expecting a reply. No, in the form of a question he contemptuously replies! With a laugh and a contemptous gesture he throws the words carelessly at him: “What is Truth?”'–LEO TOLSTOY, 1929] 332 PARNWELL, E. C. (ed.) Stories of the South Seas [An historical account of Alexander Selkirk on Juan Fernandez/W. Rogers; An account of the death of Captain Cook/D. Samwell; The art of netting learned by Kahukura from the fairies, Te Kanawa and the fairies, The voyage of the Maoris to New Zealand, The story of Hine-Moa/Sir G. Grey; A model Rangatira/F.E. Maning; Norfolk Island and the Chola widow/H. Melville; The Chilean bluejacket, The great crushing at Mount Sugar-bag/L. Becke; The Isle of Voices/R.L. Stevenson; The whale in the cave/F.T. Bullen; The secret sharer/J. Conrad; A son of empire, The Devil's white man/L. Osbourne; Red/W.S. Maugham; The seed of McCoy, The house of Mapuhi/J. London; The fourth man/J. Russell; The first performance of `Macbeth' in New Zealand/H.F. McKillop; Maru/H. de Vere Stacpoole; The story of Wi/G.B. Lancaster; Behind the ranges/B. Grimshaw], pref., xi+411pp., 1928. 333 STERNE, LAURENCE A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy, intro. Virginia Woolf, xvii+233pp., 1928. 334 FIELDING, HENRY The Adventures of Joseph Andrews, intro. L. Rice-Oxley, xxvii+379pp., 1929. [DJ Standard typographic design with Oxford crest/ black and white on red, 1942] 335 AUSTEN, JANE Pride and Prejudice, intro. R.W. Chapman, xii+376pp., 1929. 336 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite, 246pp., 1928. 337 BUSCH, MARIE (trans. and pref.) Selected Austrian Short Stories [The poor fiddler/F. Grillparzer; Jakob Szela, The finch/M. von Edner-Eschenbach; The trogolyte/F. von Saar; A rainy day/F. Braun; The journey to the centre of the earth/K.H. Strobl; At the hour of the stars/R. Hohlbaum; A mother/V. Chiavacci; Madame Nikolitch/A. Müller- Guttenbrunn; The prophecy/A. Schnitzler; His beautiful wife/ H. Bahr], vii+290pp., 1928. 338 BUNYAN, JOHN The Life and Death of Mr Badman, intro. Bonamy Dobrée, xvi+275pp., 1928. [DJ White with pencil portrait of Bunyan, 1929] 339 PEACOCK, THOMAS LOVE Headlong Hall; and, Nightmare Abbey, 253pp., 1929. [DJI ?] 340 NEKRASSOV, NICHOLAS Poems by Nicholas Nekrassov, trans. Juliet M. Soskice, intro. Lascelles Abercrombie, xiv+196pp., 1929. 341 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Kellys and the O'Kellys, vi+516pp., 1929. 342 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Ayala's Angel, vii+631pp., 1929. 343 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Cousin Henry, vi+280pp., 1929. 344 The Four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles in the Authorized Version, 338pp., 1929. 345 AUSTEN, JANE Mansfield Park, intro. Mary Lascelles, xvi+472pp., 1929. 346 The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: translated out of the Greek, being the version set forth, A.D. 1611: compared with the most ancient authorities and revised, A.D. 1881, v+545pp., 1929. 347 CHESTERFIELD, LORD Letters, ed. Phyllis M. Jones, intro., biographical table, index, xxiii+392pp., 1929. 348 GISSING, GEORGE Will Warburton: A Romance of Real Life, iv+274pp., 1929. [DJI ?] 349 GISSING, GEORGE Veranilda: An Unfinished Romance, vi+365pp., 1929. 350 COLLINS, V. H. (comp.) A Book of Narrative Verse [The Nonnes Preestes Tale, The Pardoners Tale/G. Chaucer; King John and the Abbot of Canterbury, Sir Patrick Spens, Thomas the Rhymer, Edom O'Gordon, Hugh of Lincoln and the Jew's daughter, Jock o' the Side, Edward, Edward, Mary Ambree, The Battle of Otterburn/Old Ballads; The cave of despair/E. Spenser; Sin and death/J. Milton; Cymon and Iphigenia/J. Dryden; The hermit/T. Parnell; The rape of the lock/A. Pope; John Gilpin/W. Cowper; Peter Grimes/G. Crabbe; Tam o'Shanter/R. Burns; Michael/W. Wordsworth; Flodden/Sir W. Scott; The rime of the ancient mariner/S.T. Coleridge; The prisoner of Chillon/Lord Byron; The Eve of St Agnes/J. Keats; Horatius/Lord Macaulay; Maud, Morte d'Arthur/Lord Tennyson; The Italian in England, `Chile Roland to the dark tower came', The glove/R. Browning; Sohrab and Rustum/M. Arnold; The White Ship/D.G. Rossetti; Atalanta's race/W. Morris; St. Dorothy/A.G. Swinburne; The ballad of `Beau Brocade'/A. Dobson; The sacrilege/T. Hardy; Ticonderoga/R.L. Stevenson; A ballad of John Nicholson/Sir H. Newbolt; Tomlinson/R. Kipling; The Battle of Stamford Bridge/L. Binyon; Lepanto/G.K. Chesterton; The rider at the gate/J. Masefield; The highwayman/A. Noyes] intro. `Remarks on narrative poetry', Edmund Blunden, pref., index of first lines, xxi+468pp., 1930. 351 WRONG, E. M. (ed.) Crime and Detection Stories (Second Series) [Mr. Higginbotham's catastrophe/N. Hawthorne; The mystery of Marie Rogêt/E.A. Poe; The adventure of the Bruce- Partington plans/Sir A. Conan Doyle; Prince Charlie's dirk/E. Phillpotts; A tiger's skin/W.W. Jacobs; The man with the nailed shoes/R.A. Freeman; The leak/H. Steevens; The hidden witness/`Sapper'; A matter of taste/D. Sayers; The five of swords/G.K. Chesterton; Black and white/N. Olde], 400p., 1930. 352 TOLSTÓY, LEO Childhood, Boyhood and Youth, trans. Louise and Aylmer Maude, vii+404pp., 1930. 353 SMOLLETT, TOBIAS The Adventures of Roderick Random, xviii+541pp., 1930. 354 FOERSTER, NORMAN (ed. and intro.) American Critical Essays: XIXth and XXth Centuries [The poetic principle/E.A. Poe; Montaigne, or The skeptic/R.W. Emerson; Hamlet, Wordsworth/J.R. Lowell; Preface, `Leaves of Grass'/W. Whitman; Realism and the American novel/W.D. Howells; The art of fiction/H. James; Impressionism and appreciation/L.E. Gates; Man and the race/G.E. Woodberry; Poe/W.C. Brownell; Romantic melancholy/I. Babbitt; Victorian literature: the philosophy of change/P.E. More; The idea of Greek tragedy/P.H. Frye; The new criticism/J.E. Springarn; The democracy of Mark Twain/S.P. Sherman; `Our poets'/Van W. xii+520pp., 1930. 355 AUSTEN, JANE Northanger Abbey, intro. Michael Sadleir, xxii+274pp., 1930. 356 AUSTEN, JANE Persuasion, intro. Forrest Reid, xiv+290pp., 1930. 357 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Eustace Diamonds, 605pp., 1930. [?] 358 RUTHERFORD. MARK [William Hale White] Pages from a Journal, with Other papers [A visit to Carlyle; Early morning in January; March; June; August; The end of October; November; The break up of a great drought; Spinoza; Supplementary note on the devil; Injustice; Time settles controversies; Talking about our troubles; Faith; Patience; An apology; Belief, unbelief, and superstition; Judas Iscariot; Sir Walter Scott's use of the supernatural; September, 1798; Some notes on Milton; The morality of Byron's poetry, `The Corsair'; Byron, Goethe, and Mr. Matthew Arnold; A sacrifice; The aged tree; Conscience; The governess's story; James Forges; Atonement; My Aunt Eleanor; Correspondence between George Lucy, M.A., and Hermione Russell, B.A.; Mrs. Fairfax; Little Nell; A home-made religion; Faith; Some letters], vi+343pp., 1930. 359 PARNWELL, E. C. (sel. and pref.) Stories of Africa [The washerman's donkey/A Swahili tale; An unfinished letter/O. Schreiner; Epfumo and the head-wife/Sir H.H. Johnston; Umslopogaas wins `Inkosikaas'/ Sir H. Rider Haggard; Ukushwama/W.C. Scully; Pollock and the Porroh man/H.G. Wells; The gold fish/R.B. Cunninghame Graham; How Barrington returned to Johannesburg/A.E.W. Mason; The story of Pat Derry/A.J. Dawson; The coward, King of the baboons/P. Gibbon; The koodoo hunt/Sir J.P. Fitzpatrick; The pain, The sinner/P. Smith; I survey Rusapi/K. Fairbridge; Strong measures/A. Parsons; A sack for ninepence/S.G. Millin; Blind justice/E. Lewis; The green wildebeest/J. Buchan], glos., viii+360pp., 1930. 360 DARWIN, CHARLES A Naturalist's Voyage Round the World in H.M.S. `Beagle' [Half-title `A Naturalist's Voyage Round the World'], vi+530pp., 1930.] 361 HARRIS, JOEL CHANDLER Uncle Remus, or Mr Fox, Mr Rabbit, and Mr Terrapin, xx+219pp., 1930. Var: Avenel edn., 1985. 362 MAINE, SIR HENRY SUMNER Ancient Law in Connection with the Early History of Society and its Relation to Modern Ideas, preface H.S.M. [Humphrey Milford], intro. C.A. Allen, index, xxviii+344pp., 1931. 363 COLERIDGE, S. T. Lectures and Notes on Shakespeare and Other Dramatists [Spine: Lectures on Shakespeare] [I. Poetry, the drama and Shakespeare; II. Order of Shakespeare's plays; III. Notes on Shakespeare's plays from English history; IV. Notes on some of the plays of Shakespeare; V. Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher, and Massinger; VI. Notes on Ben Jonson; VII. Notes on Beaumont and Fletcher], 298pp., 1931. 364 HOUGHTON, LORD, RICHARD MONCKTON MILNES Life and Letters of John Keats, [iv]+282pp., 1931. [DJ Standard global map design/ black and white on [DJ Standard typographic design with Oxford crest/ 1951] 365 LEOPARDI, G. Essays, Dialogues and Thoughts [never published] [Planned reprint from the same title, xxvi+389pp., Library' (London: George Routledge and Sons)] [?] 366 MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON History of England from the Accession of James I, Vol. I, ed., intro. and notes T.F. Henderson, xxiv+583pp., 1931. 367 MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON History of England from the Accession of James I, Vol. II, ed., intro. and notes T.F. Henderson, xi+576pp., 1931. 368 MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON History of England from the Accession of James I, Vol. III, ed., intro. and notes T.F. Henderson, x+532pp., 1931. 369 MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON History of England from the Accession of James I, Vol. IV, ed., intro. and notes T.F. Henderson, ix+572pp., 1931. 370 MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON History of England from the Accession of James I, Vol. V, ed., intro. and notes T.F. Henderson, index, viii+561pp., 1931. 371 WHITMAN, WALT Specimen days in America, xiv+317pp., 1931. 372 SAINTE-BEUVE, C. A. Causeries du Lundi, Vol. I (October 1849-March 1850), trans., intro. and notes E.J. Trechmann, index, xviii+389pp., 1933. 373 SAINTE-BEUVE, C. A. Causeries du Lundi, Vol. II (April 1850-July 1850), trans. and notes E.J. Trechmann, essay by M. Arnold, index, xi+220pp., 1933. 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 VON GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG Faust: A Tragedy in Two Parts, trans. Bayard Taylor, intro. Marshall Montgomery, notes Douglas Yates, pref., translator's intro., bibliog. note, lvii+447pp., 1932. 381 DISRAELI, BENJAMIN Coningsby; or, The New Generation, pref. André Maurois, xvi+468pp., 1931. [DJ Standard global map design/ black and white on shades of yellow, 1931] 382 FIELDING, HENRY The Life of Jonathan Wild, appendix (variants to text), 289pp., 1932. 383 MAUDE, AYLMER Life of Tolstóy, Vol. I, The First Fifty Years, pref., note on pronunciation, chronology, appendixes, index, xv+490pp., 1930. 384 MAUDE, AYLMER Life of Tolstóy, Vol. II, Later Years, author's note, chronology, bibliography, two appendixes, index, xvi+570pp., 1930. 385 Old Testament, translated out of the original tongues, being the version set forth A.D. 1611, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised, A.D. 1885, Vol. I: Genesis to Deuteronomy, vi+443pp., 1931. 386 Old Testament, translated out of the original tongues, being the version set forth A.D. 1611, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised, A.D. 1885, Vol. II: Joshua to I Chronicles, 451pp., 1931. 387 Old Testament, translated out of the original tongues, being the version set forth A.D. 1611, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised, A.D. 1885, Vol. III: II Chronicles to The Song of Solomon, 503pp., 1931. 388 Old Testament, translated out of the original tongues, being the version set forth A.D. 1611, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised, A.D. 1885, Vol. IV: Isaiah to Malachi, 500pp., 1931. 389 AUSTEN, JANE Sense and Sensibility, intro. David Cecil, xiv+364pp., 1931. 390 HOLME, CONSTANCE The Lonely Plough, pref., x+349pp., 1931. 391 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The American Senator, vii+557pp., 1931. 392 DANTE ALIGHIERI The Divine Comedy, Vol. I: Inferno, ital. text with trans. Melville B. Anderson, notes, index, x+371pp., 1932. 393 DANTE ALIGHIERI The Divine Comedy, Vol. II: Purgatorio, ital. text with trans. Melville B. Anderson, notes, index, 367pp., 1932. 394 DANTE ALIGHIERI The Divine Comedy, Vol. III: Paradiso, ital. text with trans. Melville B. Anderson, notes, index, vi+368pp., 1932. 395 DANTE ALIGHIERI The Divine Comedy, trans. in English terza-rima verse by Melville B. Anderson, prefatory note, notes, index, xii+622pp, 1933. 396 LAMBLEY, K. REBILLON (ed. and trans.) French Short Stories 397 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Tales of All Countries: First Series [La Mère Bauche; The O'Conors of Castle Conor; John Bull on the Guadalqivir; Miss Sarah Jack, of Spanish Town, Jamaica; The courtship of Susan Bell; Relics of General Chassé; An unprotected female at the Pyramids; The Château of Prince Polignac], 270pp., 1931. Var: Map on front endpaper, 1931. [?] 398 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Last Chronicle of Barset, Vol. I, vi+460pp., 1932. 399 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Last Chronicle of Barset, Vol. II, vi+452pp., 1932. 400 HOLME, CONSTANCE The Old Road From Spain, pref., xiii+282pp., 1934. 401 TREVELYAN, GEORGE OTTO Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay, Vol. I, pref. G.M. Trevelyan, xi+475pp., 1932. 402 TREVELYAN, GEORGE OTTO Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay, Vol. II, appendices, index, viii+476pp., 1932. 403 KEITH, ARTHUR BERRIEDALE (ed. and intro.) Speeches and Documents of the British Dominions 1918-1931: From Self- Government to National Sovereighty [The Imperial War Cabinet and the attainment of international status for the Dominions, 1918-19; The Imperial Conference, 1921, and the Washington Conference, 1921-2; The establishment of the Irish Free State and the enactment of its constitution; The development of internal sovereighty and of inter-imperial equality, 1923-31; The external relations and defence of the Empire, 1923-31], sources, notes, index, xlvii+501pp., 1932. 404 CRABBE, GEORGE Life of George Crabbe, intro. E.M. Forster, index, xxiv+324pp., 1932. 405 JONES, PHYLLIS M. (sel. and intro.) English Critical Essays–Twentieth Century [Poetic diction in English/R. Bridges; Shakespeare and the Grand Style/G. Saintsbury; Dickens as a man of letters/A. Meynell; The reaction against Tennyson/A.C. Bradley; George Eliot/G. Moore; Pope/W.P. Ker; Theodore Watts-Dunton/A.C. Benson; Matthew Arnold/Sir E.K. Chambers; Ouida/M. Beerbohm; Wordsworth and literary criticism/J.A. Chapman; The profession of poetry/H.W. Garrod; Robert Burton/D. MacCarthy; William Cowper, an Englishman/E.M. Forster; Mandell Creighton/L. Strachey; The function of poetry in the drama/L. Abercrombie; The textual criticism of English classics/R.W. Chapman; A word for Gabriel Harvey/G.M. Young; Robert Bridges/C. Williams; Johnson `London' and `Vanity'/T.S. Eliot; Pure poetry/J.M. Murry; Thomas Hardy/B. Dobrée; The poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins/H. Read; Browning/F.L. Lucas; Modern fiction/V. Woolf], xiii+399pp., 1933. 406 MILFORD, HUMPHREY SUMNER Selected Modern English Essays, Second Series [An afternoon walk in October/W.H. White (`Mark Rutherford'); On Cromer Beach/W.H. Hudson; Mary Elizabeth Coleridge/R. Bridges; The political aspect of Buckinghamshire/A.P. Primrose (Rosebery); A few warning words for would-be autobiographers/A. Birrell; Waterfalls/A. Meynell; Confidence/J. Conrad; Inveni portum–Joseph Conrad, Wilfred Scawen Blunt/R.B.C. Graham; The third circle/H.W. Nevinson; Fifield ashes, We Commend our dead/M.H. Hewlett; The piety of simple people/R.L. Gales; Coleridge's poems/Sir A.T. Quiller-Couch; A load of wood/G. Sturt; A question of happiness/G.S. Street; Committees/E.V. Lucas; On inns/H. Belloc; A village sale/A.A.W.H. (Lord) Ponsonby; The crime/Sir M. Beerbohm; A brown owl/H.M. Tomlinson; The fragment/W.S. Maugham; The church on the hill/A. McDowall; From the mouse's point of view/Lord Dunsany; Methods of criticism in poetry/H.W. Garrod; Oom Paul and Cecil Rhodes/D. MacCarthy; This England/E. Thomas; The return from Siwa/E.M. Forster; The map/R. Lynd; A plea for the liberty of interpreting/L. Abercrombie; Silver spoons/R.W. Chapman; Shelley and the oppressors of mankind, Boswell's Life of Johnson/G. Gordon; Victorian history/G.M. Young; T.S. Eliot/C. Williams; William Godwin/J.M. Murry; A note on Charles Dickens/Sir O. Sitwell; The country tradition/E. Blunden; Sense and Sensibility/Lord David Cecil; Margaret Baxter/I. Butchart; Rambling around Evelyn, The patron and the crocus/V. Woolf], x+342pp., 1932. 407 KINGSLEY, HENRY Austin Elliot, 340pp., 1932. 408 LA MOTTE FOUQUÉ, BARON Undine and Other Stories [Undine (trans. Sir Edmund Gosse); Sintram and his Companions (trans. Julius Hare); Aslauga's Knight (trans. Thomas Carlyle); The Two Captains (trans. P.E. Matheson)], intro. Sir Edmund Gosse, xvii+348pp., 1932. 409 HOLME, CONSTANCE The Trumpet in the Dust, 216pp., 1933. 410 REDMAN, BEN RAY (sel. and intro.) Reading at Random: An Anthology chosen from `The World's Classics', note, list of the first 400 volumes in the series, xiv+280pp., 1933. 411 RABELAIS, FRANÇOIS Gargantua and Pantagruel, Vol. I, trans. Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Le Motteux, intro., frontis: repro. of title page of the first book of the 1653 edn, map of Region du Chinnois, repro. title page of the second book of the 1653 edn, notes, xl+382pp., 1934. 412 RABELAIS, FRANÇOIS Gargantua and Pantagruel, Vol. II, trans. Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Le Motteux, frontis: repro. of the title page of the third book of the 1653 edn, repro. of the title page of the fourth and fifth books of the 1694 edn, notes, ix+392pp., 1934. 413 RABELAIS, FRANÇOIS Gargantua and Pantagruel, Vol. III, trans. Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Le Motteux, repro of title page from fifth book of the 1694 edn, notes, index to intro. and notes, ix+332pp., 1934. 414 SCOTT, SIR WALTER Short Stories [Wandering Willie's tale (from Redgauntlet); Chronicles of the Canongate, introducing The highland widow; Mr Croftangry's introduction to The two drovers; My aunt Margaret's mirror; The tapestried chamber; Death of the laird's jock], intro. Lord David Cecil, xx+339pp., 1934. 415 BENNETT, E. N. (sel. and trans.) German Short Stories [The mines of Falun/E.T.A. Hoffman; The beggar-woman of Locarno/H. von Kleist; Life's luxuries/L. Tieck; From the life of a good-for- nothing/J.F. von Eichendorff; The Jews' beech-tree/A. von Droste-Hulshoff], intro. E.K. Bennett, xi+289pp., 1934. 416 HOLME, CONSTANCE The Splendid Fairing, 235pp., 1933. 417 MACKIE, R. L. (ed. and intro.) A Book of Scottish Verse [Anon; J. Barbour; King James I of Scotland; R. Henryson; W. Dunbar; G. Douglas; A. Scott; A. Montgomerie; M.A. Boyd; Sir R. Maitland; A. Hume; Old Ballads; W. Drummond of Hawthornden; Sir R. Ayton; J. Graham (Montrose); Lady G. Baillie; A. Ramsay; J. Thomson; D. Mallet; A. Rutherford; J. Elliot; J. Skinner; W.J. Mickle; R. Cunninghame-Graham of Gartmore; J. Beattie; M. Bruce; J. Logan; R. Fergusson; Lady A. Lindsay; J. Mayne; R. Burns; Lady Nairne; J. Hogg; Sir W. Scott; T. Campbell; A. Cunningham; J.G. Lockhart; G. Outram; W.B. Scott; C. Mackay; G. Macdonald; A. Smith; J. Thomson; T. Davidson; A. Lang; R.L. Stevenson; J.L. Robertson (Haliburton); J. Davidson; R.F. Murray; Sir R. Ross; H. Monro], index of first lines, xxxi+408pp., 1934. 418 BOAS, FREDERICK S. (ed. and intro.) Five Pre-Shakespearean Comedies [Early Tudor Period] [Fulgens and Lucrece/H. Medwall; The Four PP./J Heywood; Ralph Roister Doister/N. Udall; Gammer Gurton's Needle/`Mr.S.Mr.of Art'; Supposes/G. Gascoigne], notes, xviii+343pp., 1934. 419 HOLME, CONSTANCE Crump Folk Going Home, pref., x+270pp., 1934. 420 TOLSTÓY, LEO Nine Stories, 1855-63 [A billiard-marker's notes; The snow storm; Two hussars, A landlord's morning; Lucerne; Albert; Three deaths; Polikúshka; Strider: The story of a horse], trans. Louise and Aylmer Maude, intro. Aylmer Maude, viii+439pp., 1934. 421 NICOLSON, HAROLD Some People [Miss Plimsoll; J.D. Marstock; Lambert Orme; The Marquis de Chaumont; Jeanne de Hénaut; Titty; Professor Malone; Arketall; Miriam Codd], vii+223pp., (OUP New York), 1934. 422 McILWRAITH, A. K. (ed. and intro.) Five Elizabethan Comedies [Campaspe/J. Lyly; The Old Wives' Tale/G. Peele; Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay/R. Greene; The Shoemakers' Holiday/T. Dekker; The Merry Devil of Edmonton/Anonymous], xx+308pp., 1934. 423 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Orley Farm, Vol. I, vi+410pp., 1935. 424 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Orley Farm, Vol. II, vi+415pp., 1935. 425 HOLME, CONSTANCE The Things Which Belong–, 181pp., 1934. 426 TOLSTÓY, LEO On Life; and Essays on Religion [On life; Religion and morality; Reason and religion; How to read the Gospels; Preface to `The Christian teaching'; A reply to the Synod's edict of excommunication; What is religion?; An appeal to the clergy; The restoration of hell; Church and state; the teaching of Jesus], trans. and intro. Aylmer Maude, index, xvi+412pp., 1934. 427 GOSSE, EDMUND Father and Son: A Study of Two Temperaments, vi+308pp., (OUP New York), 1934. 428 WARD, A. C. (ed. and intro.) A Book of American Verse [R. Rich; T. Dudley; Capt. E. Johnson; A. Bradstreet; B. Woodbridge; M. Wigglesworth; U. Oakes; B. Tompson; J. Seccomb; W. Livingston; M. Warren; F. Hopkinson; J. Sewall; J. Stansbury; T. Dwight; P. Freneau; P. Wheatley; J. Barlow; J. Hopkinson; W.M. Johnson; W. Cliffton; F.S. Key; J.K. Paulding; S. Woodworth; J. Pierpont; E.H. Willard; R.H. Dana; R.H. Wilde; F. Halleck; L. Sigourney; J.H. Payne; J.R. Drake; M.G. Brooks; J.G. Percival; J.G.C. Brainard; W.C. Bryant; E.C. Pinkney; G.P. Morris; R.W. Emerson; N.P. Willis; C.F. Hoffman; H.W. Longfellow; J.G. Whittier; E.A. Poe; O.W. Holmes; H.D. Thoreau; H. Melville; J.R. Lowell; W. Whitman; W.W. Story; J.W. Howe; B. Taylor; S. Foster; H. Timrod; P.H. Hayne; E. Dickinson; T.B. Aldrich; J. Hay; B. Harte; J. Miller; S. Lanier; J.W. Riley; E. Field; E. Markham; L.W. Reese; W.V. Moody; E.A. Robinson; E.L. Masters; A. Lowell; R. Frost; A. Crapsey; C. Sandburg; V. Lindsay; S. Teasdale; J. Kilmer; `H.D.' (Hilda Doolittle); E. Wylie; R. Jeffers; A. Seeger; T.S. Eliot; E. St.V. Millay], index of first lines, xxvii+365pp., 1935. 429 STURGIS, HOWARD OVERING Belchamber, intro. Gerard Hopkins, xiii+334pp., 1935. 430 WALTON, IZAAK and COTTON, CHARLES The Compleat Angler, intro. J. Buchan, xxiv+322pp., 1935. [?] 431 HOLME, CONSTANCE Beautiful End, 222pp., 1935. 432 TOLSTÓY, LEO Iván Ilých and Hadji Murád, and Other Stories [The death of Iván Ilých; Master and man; A talk among leisured people; Walk in the light while there is light; Memoirs of a madman; List of Tartar words in Hadji Murád; Hadji Murád; Fëdor Kuzmích], trans. Louise and Aylmer Maude, pref. Aylmer Maude, xiv+411pp., 1935. 433 MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON, LORD Speeches by Lord Macaulay, with his Minute on Indian Education [Parliamentary reform (five speeches) 1831; Anatomy bill 1832; Parliamentary reform 1832; Repeal of the Union with Ireland 1833; Government of India 1833; Copyright 1841, 1842; The People's Charter 1842; Dissenters' chapels bill 1844; Maynooth 1845; The Church of Ireland 1845; The ten hours bill 1846; Education 1847; Exclusion of judges from the House of Commons 1853; Minute on Indian Education 1835], ed., intro. and notes G.M. Young, xxii+361pp., 1935. 434 MORE, PAUL ELMER Selected Shelburne Essays [Criticism; Lafcadio Hearn; Christina Rossetti; The Greek anthology; George Gissing; Thoreau's journal; Chesterfield; Sir Thomas Browne; Shelley; Thomas Henry Huxley; Jonathan Edwards; Viscount Morley; Oxford, women, and God] pref., xiii+297pp., (OUP New York), 1935. 435 CECIL, DAVID The Stricken Deer; or, The Life of Cowper, pref. note, index, v+[1]+322pp., (OUP New York), 1935. 436 BRADBY, ANNE (sel. and intro.) Shakespeare Criticism 1919-1935 [Shakespeare's work of transmutation/J.M. Robertson; Leading motives in the imagery of Shakespeare's tragedies/C. Spurgeon; From `Art and Artifice in Shakespeare'…/E.E. Stoll; Principles of emendation in Shakespeare/W.W. Greg; King Lear/H. Granville-Barker; Direct self-explation/L.L. Schücking; `Henry V', `Troilus and Cressida' and `Hamlet'/C. Williams; Shakespeare and the stoicism of Seneca/T.S. Eliot; Metaphor/J.M. Murry; Romanticism in Shakespearian comedy/H.B. Charleton; Shakespeare's topical significance/G.B. Harrison; Shakespeare as man of the theatre/J. Isaacs; Shakespeare's significance/E. Blunden; The Othello music/G.W. Knight; The early Shakespearian manner and development to the mature style/G. Rylands], xiv+388pp., 1936. 437 WHARTON, EDITH The House of Mirth, with a new introduction, xi+359pp., 1936. 438 BUTLER, SAMUEL The Way of All Flesh, with an essay by Bernard Shaw, note by R.A. Streatfeild, xiii+421pp., 1936. 439 MARRYAT, FREDERICK Jacob Faithful, intro. Douglas Veale, xxv+407pp., 1936. 440 HOLME, CONSTANCE He-Who-Came?, 148+[5]pp., 1936. 441 STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS Master of Ballantrae: A Winter's Tale, 301pp., 1936. 442 CONFUCIUS The Analects; or, the Conversations of Confucius with his Disciples and Certain Others, trans. William Edward Soothill, intro. and photo of Confucius by Lady Hosie, chronology, notes, index, lx+254pp., 1937. 443 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Lady Anna, viii+513pp., 1936. 444 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY An Old Man's Love, viii+265pp., 1936. 445 TOLSTÓY, LEO The Kingdom of God and Peace Essays [The kingdom of God is within you; Christianity and patriotism; The `Marseillaise' in French and English; Patriotism and government; Introduction to a short biography of William Lloyd Garrison; Address to the Swedish Peace Congress], trans. and intro. Aylmer Maude, xiii+591pp., 1936. 446 IBSEN, H. Peer Gynt, trans. R. Ellis Roberts, two prefaces, intro., notes, xxix+276pp., 1936. 447 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Phineas Finn: The Irish Member, Vol. I, vii+434pp., 1937. [?] 448 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Phineas Finn: The Irish Member, Vol. II, vii+439pp., 1937. [?] 449 BEERBOHM, MAX Christmas Garland, woven by Max Beerbohm, note, viii+199pp., 450 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Phineas Redux, Vol. I, vii+440pp., 1937. [DJI ?] 451 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Phineas Redux, Vol. II, viii+434pp., 1937. [DJI ?] 452 McILWRAITH, A. K. (ed. and intro.) Five Elizabethan Tragedies [Thyestes, by L. Annaeus Seneca/J. Heywood; Gorboduc/T. Norton and T. Sackville; The Spanish Tragedy/T. Kyd; Arden of Feversham/Anonymous; A woman killed with kindness/T. Heywood], xx+400pp., 1938. 453 HOLME, CONSTANCE The Wisdom of the Simple; and, Other Stories [Stories of the land: After-glow; The last plantation; The last inch; The supreme moment; A coward from the town; The last chair; The wisdom of the simple: The last of the yeomen; Tommy Thompson's Christmas shopping; Tommy Thompson and Co., election artists; Auto- suggestion in Bible and Shippon; Stricklands; Second wind; Train up a child; Stories of marriage: The Aunt Sally; Mists; A bone for my servante; Beauty's daughters; White clover; 1914-1918: He-who-died-to-day; Pageant (January 1914); The coming day (June 1914); Wind in the night; The old road-scraper is dead; The oldest army; Such stuff as dreams are made on; Everlasting fire; Speeding up, 1917; A map of silk; Eyes; Violins in the vicarage garden; Poems in prose: Lamps in the dark; Egotism; Brightness falls from the air; Full moon], vi+191pp., 1937. 454 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Prime Minister, Vol. I, vi+464pp., 1938. 455 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Prime Minister, Vol. II, vi+470pp., 1938. 456 STEINHAUER, H. and JESSIMAN, HELEN (trans.) Modern German Short Stories [The milk boy/C. Viebig; Derelict/W. Schmidtbonn; Redegonda's diary/A. Schnitzler; The `Bajazzo'/T. Mann; The weathercock/H. Eulenberg; Coelestina/R.G. Binding; Fräulein vom Stein/W. Schäfer; The Jew's grave/R. Huch; The pike/P. Ernst; The father/L. Frank; The hunger-artist/F. Kafka; The face of Wallenstein/W. Flex; I find work/H. Fallada; The sower/F. Griese], intro. H. Steinhauer, xvi+263pp., 1938. 457 KEITH, ARTHUR BERRIEDALE (ed. and intro.) Speeches and Documents on International Affairs 1918-1937, Vol. I [The Fourteen Points; The Treat of Versailles…; The optional clause of…the permanent Court of International Justice; The formation of the Little Entente; Political agreement between France and Poland…1921; Resultion regarding the economic weapon…1921; The Washington Conference…1921-2; The Balfour Note on inter-allied debts; The Treaty of Lausanne…1923; The United States and reparations; The Treaty…between France and Czechoslovakia…1924; The recognition of the U.S.S.R. by Great Britain; The evacuation of the Ruhr; The Zinovieff Letter; The Locarno Pacts; Germany and the U.S.S.R.; The Treaty…between France and Rumania…1926; The breach of diplomatic relations between Great Britain and the U.S.S.R.; The Treaty…between France and Yugoslavia…1927; The abolition of the capitulations…in Persia; The Kellogg Pact; The General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes…1928; The Treaty…between the U.S.S.R. and Germany…1929; …agreement on the evacuation of the Rhineland…1929; The resumption of diplomatic relations between Great Britain and the U.S.S.R.; Extra-territorial rights in China; Sino-British Convention for…Weihaiwei…1930; The Treaty for the Limitation…of Naval Armament 1930; M. Briand's project for European federal union; The Treaty…between Great Britain and Iraq…1930; Germany and Austria; The French memorandum on disarmament…1931; Reparations and War debts; Japan and Manchuria; The Agreement…between France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom; The definition of aggression; Germany and the League of Nations; Germany and rearmament], sources, lv+290pp., 1938. 458 KEITH, ARTHUR BERRIEDALE (ed. and intro.) Speeches and Documents on International Affairs 1918-1937, Vol. II [Austrian relations with Germany and Italy; Japan and China; The entry of the U.S.S.R. into the League of Nations; The transfer of the Saar Administration; The project of an Eastern pact; The Franco-Soviet Pact; The limitation of naval armaments; The Italian aggression on Abyssinia; British rearmament; The German military reoccupation of the Rhineland…; The peace plan of the German government…1936; Convention regarding the Régime of the Straits…1936; Treaty…between the United Kingdom and Egypt…1936; The application of the principles of the Covenant of the League of Nations; British defence policy; The policy of non-intervention in Spain; The release of Belgium from…the Locarno Pact; The British Commonwealth and the preservation of peace], sources, index, x+267pp., 1938. 459 TOLSTÓY, LEO Recollections and Essays [`Recollections'; Why do men stupefy themselves?; The first step; Non-acting; An afterword to famine articles; Modern science; An introduction to Ruskin's works; Letters on Henry George; `Thou shalt not kill'; Rethink yourselves!; A great iniquity; Shakespeare and the drama; What's to be done?; I cannot be silent; A letter to a Hindu; Gandhi letters; Letter to a Japanese; The wisdom of children; Thoughts from private letters], trans. and intro. Aylmer Maude, index, xxviii+504pp., 1937. 460 SWINNERTON, FRANK Nocturne, with a new intro., xvi+227pp., 1937. [DJI ?] 461 MACKENZIE, COMPTON Guy and Pauline, with a new intro., xvi+413pp., 1938. 462 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Duke's Children, Vol. I, vii+380pp., 1938. [?] [DJI ?] 463 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Duke's Children, Vol. II, vii+379pp., 1938. [?] [DJI ?] 464 HENSON, HENSLEY (intro.) Selected English Sermons: Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries [The plough/H. Latimer; Death's duel/J. Donne; Constant prayer/J. Hales; The city of peace/T. Adams; The marriage ring/J. Taylor; Of submission to the Divine Will/I. Barrow; Christianity mysterious, and the wisdom of God in making it so/R. South; Upon the ignorance of man/J. Butler; The restlessness of human ambition/T. Chalmers; The invisible world/J.H. Newman; The powers of love/J. Martineau; The reversal of human judgement/J.B. Mozley; The restoration of the erring/F.W. Robertson; Religion in common life/J. Caird; The ethics of forgiveness/W.C. Magee; Influences of the Holy Spirit/H.P. Liddon; The Trinity/R.W. Dale], xvi+412pp., 1939. 465 WALPOLE, SIR HUGH The Prelude to Adventure, with new intro., ix+[3]+200pp., 1938. 466 DOUGLAS [Brown], GEORGE The House with the Green Shutters, intro. W. Somerset Maugham, xiii+285pp., 1938. 467 DOUGLAS, NORMAN Old Calabria, intro., index, x+498pp., (OUP: New York), 1938. [DJI ?] 468 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Can You Forgive Her?, Vol. I, vii+523pp., 1938. 469 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Can You Forgive Her?, Vol. II, vii+511pp., 1938. 470 STANHOPE, PHILIP HENRY, EARL Notes of Conversations with the Duke of Wellington, 1831-1851, intro. Philip Guedalla, pref., index, xxii+340pp., 1938. 471 New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by His Majesty's special command; Appointed to be read in Churches, [iv]+482pp., 1938. 472 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Small House at Allington, Vol. I, Knox map of Barsetshire on front and rear endpapers, vii+420pp., 1939. 473 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Small House at Allington, Vol. II, Knox endpapers, vii+425pp., 1939. 474 GRAY, THOMAS The Poems of Thomas Gray, intro. Leonard Whibley, poems published in Gray's lifetime; Posthumous poems and fragments; Appendix: The original version of the Elegy; Note on the text of the poems; Index of titles and first lines, xxxii+162pp., 1939. 475 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Ralph the Heir, Vol. I, vii+347pp., 1939. 476 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Ralph the Heir, Vol. II, vii+353pp., 1939. 477 JONES, PHYLLIS M. (sel.) Modern English Short Stories [The three strangers/T. Hardy; The holy man/F. Harris; A garden plot/W.W. Jacobs; A slip under the microscope/H.G. Wells; The lion's share/A. Bennett; The open window, The music on the hill/H.H. Munro (`Saki'); The door of opportunity/W.S. Maugham; Fifty pounds/A.E. Coppard; Other kingdom/E.M. Forster; Lord Emsworth and the girl friend/P.G. Wodehouse; The last laugh/D.H. Lawrence; Juxtapositions/S. Aumonier; Sun and moon/K. Mansfield; Submarine/S. Benson; The Tillotson banquet/A. Huxley; She was living with his people/T.O. Beachcroft; The revelation/H.E. Bates; The last inch/C. Holme; The pain in the neck/V. Meynell; Joining Charles/E. Bowen; Saturday afternoon/S. Gibbons], vii+403pp., 1939. 478 MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER The Plays of Christopher Marlowe [The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great; The Second Part of Tamberlaine the Great; The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus; The Jew of Malta; Edward the Second; The Massacre at Paris; The Tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage], 467pp., 1939. 479 EMDEN, CECIL S. (ed.) Selected Speeches on the Constitution, Vol. I [The Sovereign, relations with Ministry; The Ministry, relations with Parliament and people; House of Lords, its constitution; House of Lords, relations with House of Commons; House of Commons, privilege; House of Commons, in regard to foreign policy], intro., xi+258pp., 1939. 480 EMDEN, CECIL S. (ed.) Selected Speeches on the Constitution, Vol. II [The people, their rights; The people, their representation; Imperial relations], index, viii+306pp., 1939. [DJ Standard typographic design with Oxford crest/ black and white on orange, 1939] 481 SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES Selected Poems, intro. Laurence Binyon, index of titles, index of first lines, xxi+339pp., 1939. 482 ROCHEFOUCAULD, FRANÇOIS The Maxims of François, duc de la Rochefoucauld [French and English trans. on opposite pages], trans. and intro. F.G. Stevens, portrait of author, author's preface, index, xliii+196pp., 1940.] 483 WOODWARD, F. L. (trans. and pref.) Some Sayings of the Buddha, according to the Pãli canon, note, intro. Sir Francis Edward Younghusband, vii-xxvii+356pp., 1939. 484 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Way We Live Now, Vol. I, vi+478pp., 1941. 485 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Way We Live Now, Vol. II, vi+478pp., 1941. 486 JONES, PHYLLIS M. (sel.) Modern Verse, 1900-1940 [R.W. Dixon; W.S. Blunt; T. Hardy; R. Bridges; G.M. Hopkins; A. Meynell; O. Wilde; A.E. Housman; M. Coleridge; Sir R. Tagore; Sir H. Newbolt; L. Housman; R. Kipling; W.B. Yeats; E. Dowson; L. Johnson; G.W. Russell; L. Binyon; H. Belloc; C. Mew; T.S. Moore; W.H. Davies; G.K. Chesterton; R. Hodgson; W. de la Mare; G. Bottomley; W. Gibson; J. Masefield; E. Thomas; H. Monro; J. Freeman; A. Noyes; H. Asquith; L. Abercrombie; P. Colum; J. Drinkwater; J. Joyce; J. Stephens; J.R. Anderson; J.E. Flecker; D.H. Lawrence; F. Cornford; S. Sassoon; C. Williams; R. Brooke; E. Sitwell; T. S. Eliot; J. Grenfell; W.J. Turner; D. Wellesley; H. MacDiarmid; O. Sitwell; R. Nichols; W. Owen; E. Blunden; S. Sitwell; R. Pitter; R. Campbell; W. Plomer; C.D. Lewis; W. Empson; W.H. Auden; L. Macneice; S. Spender; C. Madge; G. Barker; A. Ridler; D. Thomas], pref. note, index of authors, index of first lines, xviii+198pp., 1940. 487 LIVINGSTONE, SIR R. W. (sel., intro. and ed.) Plato: Selected Passages [Socrates; The spiritual life: love; Religion; Politics: ideals and realities; Education; Moral ideals; Art and poetry; Miscellaneous; Fables and myths], xxiv+220pp., 1940. 488 BIRLEY, ROBERT (sel., ed. and intro.) Speeches and Documents in American History I: 1776-1815, index, xx+291pp., 1944. 489 BIRLEY, ROBERT (sel., and ed.) Speeches and Documents in American History, Vol. II: 1818-1865, foreword, glos. of American politics, index, xix+315pp., 1944. 490 BIRLEY, ROBERT (sel., ed. and intro.) Speeches and Documents in American History, Vol. III: 1865-1913, index, xxiv+320pp., 1943. 491 BIRLEY, ROBERT (sel., ed. and intro.) Speeches and Documents in American History, Vol. IV: 1914-1939, foreword, glos. of American politics, index, xix+300pp.,1942. 492 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Is He Popenjoy?, Vol. I, vii+320pp., 1944. 493 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Is He Popenjoy?, Vol. II, vii+312pp., 1944. 494 THUCYDIDES The History of the Peloponnesian War, ed., pref. and intro. Sir Richard Livingstone, [trans. Richard Crawley, rev. Richard Feetham], maps, index, xxxii+33-400pp., 1943. 495 BETTENSON, HENRY (sel. and ed.) Documents of the Christian Church [Part I: The early Church to the Council of Chalcedon: The Church and the world; Creeds; The earliest testimony to the Gospels; The Person and work of Christ; The problem of the relation of the divinity and the humanity in Christ; Pelagianism: the nature of man, sin, and grace; The Church, the ministry, and the sacraments; The authority of the Holy See; Doctrine and development: the Vincentian Canon; Christian inscriptions; Part II: From Chalcedon to the present: From Chalcedon to the breach between East and West; The Empire and the Papacy; Monasticism and the friars; The Church and heresy; The conciliar movement; Scholasticism; The Church in England until the Reformation; The Reformation on the Continent; The Reformation in England; Dissent in England; The Roman Church from the Counter- Reformation to the present; The English Church from the Reformation to the present], pref. note, appendix: A list of Councils, appendix: List of books, index, xviii+456pp., 1943. 496 De TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS Democracy in America, trans. Henry Reeve, ed. and intro. Henry Steele Commager, note, xxviii+599pp., 1946. 497 ELIOT, GEORGE Middlemarch: A Study in Provincial Life, intro. R.M. Hewitt, xvi+896pp., 1947. [DJ Typographic design/ `double volume'/ plum and white on grey, 1953] 498 WARD, A. C. (sel. and intro.) Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism XVII-XX Centuries [London theatres in the 1660s/S. Pepys; Betterton's benefit/Sir R. Steele; Thomas Betterton/C. Gibber; Garrick's first performance in London/T. Davies; Mr. Partridge sees Garrick/H. Fielding; `The Beggar's Opera': 18th Century/F. Gentleman; Mrs. Siddons/L. Hunt; Others–and Mrs. Siddons/J.C. Young; `The Beggar's Opera': 19th Century/W. Hazlitt; Kean as Richard the Third/T. Barnes; On actors and acting/W. Hazlitt; On the artificial comedy of the last Century/C. Lamb; Phelps at Sadler's Wells/H. Morley; At the pantomime/J. Ruskin; `Caste'/The Times; On natural acting/G.H. Lewes; Ellen Terry/D. Cook; Ellen Terry/J. Knight; Irving in Shakespeare/D. Cook; `Ghosts'/C. Scott; `Arms and the Man'/W. Archer; `Trilby'/The Times; Donkey races/A. Meynell; Forbes Robertson's Hamlet/B. Shaw; `Trelawny of the “Wells”'/J.T. Grein; F.R. Benson's Richard II/C.E. Montague; Dan Leno/Sir M. Beerbohm; `The Wild Duck'/D. MacCarthy; `The Voysey Inheritance'/A.B. Walkley; `The Playboy of the Western World'/The Irish Times; That dreadful play/P.D. Kenny; Granville Barker's production of `Twelfth Night'/The Morning Post; `The Pretenders'/The Daily Telegraph; `The Beggar's Opera': 20th Century/The Times; The tragic actress (Sybil Thorndike)/W.A. Darlington; `A Bill of Divorcement'/St. John Irvine; The search for the masterpiece (`Shall We Join the Ladies?')/H.W. Massingham; `Peer Gynt' at the Old Vic/D.L. Murray; Marie Lloyd, `The Way of the World'/J. Agate; `Hamlet' in modern dress/H. Griffith; A creator (Charles Laughton)/Sir H. Walpole; Biblical (`Tobias and the Angel')/I. Brown; `Twelfth Night' at the Old Vic/V. Woolf; `Murder in the Cathedral'/The Times; `As You Like It' at the Old Vic/A. Dent], note, descriptive index, x+355pp., 1945. 499 WASHINGTON, BOOKER T. Up From Slavery: An Autobiography, intro. Jonathan Daniels, pref., bio. notes, index, xii+244pp., 1945. 500 SHAW, BERNARD Back to Methuselah: A Metabiological Pentateuch, rev. ed. with postscript, lxxxvii+300pp., 1945. 501 HOWELLS, WILLIAM D. The Rise of Silas Lapham, intro. Howard Mumford Jones, xi+386pp., 1948. 502 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY John Caldigate, vii+615pp., 1946. 503 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Mr Scarborough's Family, vii+629pp., 1946. [?] 504 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY The Golden Lion of Granpère, 267pp., 1946. 505 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY Nina Balatka; Linda Tressel, 383pp., 1946. 506 SAINTSBURY, GEORGE The Peace of the Augustans: A Survey of Eighteenth Century Literature as a Place of Rest and Refreshment, intro. Sir Herbert Grierson, pref., index, xvii+408pp., 1946. 507 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY He Knew He was Right, viii+930pp., 1948. 508 MEREDITH, GEORGE The Egoist: A Comedy in Narrative, intro. Lord Dunsany, xiii+547pp., 1947. [DJI Lynton Lamb/ man and woman on horseback; spine: double volume/ black and white on mauve, 1956] 509 JAMES, HENRY, Portrait of a Lady, intro. Graham Greene, pref., xxix+645pp., 1947. 510 BOLDREWOOD, ROLF Robbery Under Arms: A story of life and adventure in the bush and in the goldfields of Australia, intro. Dr. Thomas Wood, bibliog., pref., xviii+[1]+660pp., 1949. 511 BARKER, SIR ERNEST (intro.) Social Contract: Essays by Locke, Hume, and Rousseau [An essay concerning the true original, extent and end of civil government/J.Locke; Of the original contract/D. Hume; The social contract/J.-J. Rousseau, trans. G. Hopkins], lxiii+440pp., 1947. 512 SOMERVILLE, E. Œ. and ROSS, MARTIN The Real Charlotte, 518pp., 1948. 513 BROWNING, ROBERT Poems of Robert Browning, sel. Sir Humphrey Milford, index of titles, index of first lines, xi+720pp., 1949. 514 WOODFORDE, JAMES The Diary of a Country Parson, 1758-1802, sel., intro. and ed. John Beresford, principal dates, folded geneal. table, appendix, xviii+622pp., 1949. 515 BURNS, ROBERT Poems of Robert Burns, sel. and ed. Laurence Brander, `Burns' by Laurence Brander, note on the text, index of first lines, xxi+333pp., 1950. 516 JEFFERIES, RICHARD The Gamekeeper at Home; Amateur Poacher, intro. David Ascoli, xxii+352pp., 1948. 517 TENNYSON, ALFRED, LORD Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson, sel. and intro. Stephen Gwynn, index of titles, index of first lines, xv+478pp., 1950. 518 CONRAD, JOSEPH Four Tales [The Nigger of the `Narcissus': a tale of the sea; Youth: a narrative; The Secret Sharer: an episode from the coast; Freya of the Seven Isles: a story of shallow waters], intro. Sir David Bone, xv+384pp., 1949. [DJ Standard typographic design with Oxford crest/ black and white on red, 1949] 519 MEREDITH, GEORGE Beauchamp's Career, intro. G.M. Young, xiv+547pp., 1950. 520 STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS, and OSBOURNE, LLOYD The Wrecker, vi+457pp., 1950. 521 MACKAIL, J. W. The Life of William Morris, intro. and note Sir Sydney Cockerell, index, xxv+387+380pp., 1950. 522 FREMANTLE, ELIZABETH The Wynne Diaries 1789-1820, sel., ed. and pref. Anne Fremantle, geneal. tables, list of persons, xvi+551pp., 1952. 523 HOWARD, C. (sel. and ed.) West African Explorers [Intro: The opening of West Africa; Part I: The forerunners, 1600-1788: R. Jobson, W. Bosman; Part II: The African Association and the Niger problem, 1788-1820: Plan; M. Park, F. Horneman; Part III: The Niger discovered: Maj. D. Denham, Capt. H. Clapperton, R. Lander, R. Caillié; Part IV: Attempts at exploitation and settlement: M. Laird and R.A.K. Oldfield, R.F. Burton, The Expedition of Capt. H.D. Trotter, Capt. W. Allen, and T.R.H. Thomson, W.B. Blaikie, Dr H. Barth; Part V: The scramble for West Africa, 1880-1914: M.H. Kingsley], intro. J.H. Plumb, pref., sources, ix+598pp., 1951.] [The forerunners, 1600-1788: R. Jobson, W. Bosman; The African Association and the Niger problem, 1788-1820: Plan; M. Park, F. Horneman; The Niger discovered: Maj. D. Denham, Capt. H. Clapperton, R. Lander, R. Caillié; Attempts at exploitation and settlement: M. Laird and R.A.K. Oldfield, R.F. Burton, The Expedition of Capt. H.D. Trotter, Capt. W. Allen, and T.R.H. Thomson, W.B. Blaikie, Dr H. Barth; The scramble for West Africa, 1880-1914: M.H. Kingsley], intro. J.H. Plumb, pref., sources, ix+598pp., 1951. 524 JONSON, BEN Five Plays [Every Man in his Humour; Sejanus; Volpone, or, The Fox; The Alchemist; Bartholomew Fair], 569pp., 1953. 525 MURDOCH, WALTER and DRAKE-BROCKMAN, H. (sel.) Australian Short Stories [Beereeun the mirage maker/K.L. Parker; The jeweller's shop/T. Collins; The parson's blackboy/E. Favenc; John Price's bar of steel/P. Warung; Scrammy 'and/B. Baynton; The funerals of Malachi Mooney/E. Dyson; Send round the hat/H. Lawson; Fourteen fathoms by Quetta Rock/R. Bedford; The night we watched the wallabies, Kate's wedding/`S. Rudd'; The widow Dare/H. Stone; The champion bullock-driver/L. Skuthorpe; `And women must weep'/H.H. Richardson; Adventure: a fantasy of the Ranges, The good grandmother/H. McCrae; Crows/D. O'Reilly; The hand/M.L. Skinner; The lobster and the lioness/`Kodak'; Hoodoo Jo/B. Cronin; A bed of rubies/H.E. Riemann; The grey horse/K.S. Prichard; The stump/V. Palmer; Choice/H.G. Lamond; Memoirs of a professional escaper/L. Robinson; Our new properties/J. Hackston; The dinkum Australian/H. Matthews; The Pisé house/B. James; Surburban souvenir/H. Gill; The pelican/C. Mann; Going home/M. Morris; Dry spell/M. Barnard; End of an idol/E. Hill; Kaijek the songman/X. Herbert; Fear/H. Drake-Brockman; `Tell us about the turkey, Jo…', Blow Carson, I say/A. Marshall; The nightshift/J. Morrison; Harvest/J.K. Ewers; He walks home with his wife/D. Edwards; The enthusiastic prisoner/E.O. Schlunke; Seed among thorns/D. Sanders; Dust/G. Casey; Two women/A.C. Headley; No one spoke/R.J. Oakes; The bleeding of Irish O'Banion/J. Sweeney; You go, Florence Nightingale!, The man who bowled Victor Trumper/D. Stivens; The three jolly foxes/D. Stewart; Drift/P. Cowan; Twenty strong/M. Trist; The kid/K. Levis; Hullo, Joe/J. Cleary], note, x+447pp., 1951. 526 McILWRAITH, A. K. (ed. and intro.) Five Stuart Tragedies [Bussy D'Ambois/G. Chapman; The Maid's Tragedy/F. 527 CLARKE, MARCUS For the Term of his Natural Life, intro. L.H. Allen, bibliog., appendix, sources, xxviii+608pp., 1952. 528 CONAN DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR Sherlock Holmes, Selected Stories [Silver Blaze; The speckled band; The sign of four; A scandal in Bohemia; The naval treaty; The blue carbuncle; The Greek interpreter; The red-headed league; The empty house; The missing three- quarter; His last bow], intro. S. C. Roberts, xxiii+435pp., 1951. 529 FERGUSON, DeLANCEY (ed. and intro.) Selected Letters of Robert Burns, note on the text, chronology, biog. index of correspondents, list of letters, xxvii+371pp., 1953. 530 RICHTER, IRMA A. (ed. and commentaries) Selections from the Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci, pref., references to manuscripts, index, xiii+417pp., 1952. 531 WAYNE, PHILIP (ed. and intro.) Letters of William Wordsworth, sources, index of persons addressed, geneal. table, xxiv+295pp, 1954. 532 O'SULLIVAN, MAURICE Twenty Years A-Growing, rendered from the original Irish with a preface Moya Llewelyn Davies and George Thomson, intro. E. M. Forster, endpaper maps, xiv+298pp., 1953. 533 ROWELL, GEORGE (ed. and intro.) Nineteenth Century Plays [Black-Ey'd Susan/D. Jerrold; Money/E. Bulwer-Lytton; Masks and Faces/T. Taylor and C. Reade; The Colleen Bawd/D. Boucicault; Lady Audley's Secret/C.H. Hazlewood; The Ticket-of-Leave Man/T. Taylor; Caste/T.W. Robertson; Two Roses/J. Albery; The Bells/L. Lewis; A Pair of Spectacles/S. Grundy], gloss., xviii+567pp., 1953. 534 DAVIN, D. M. (sel. and intro.) New Zealand Short Stories [The Ngarara/A.A. Grace; Christmas Day in New Zealand/Lady Barker; Te Wiria's potatoes/A.A. Grace; A member of the Force/H. Lapham; A quaint friendship/W. Baucke; Man's inhumanity to man/J.A. Lee; At the bay, The Voyage, Her first ball/K. Mansfield; An active family/B.E. Baughan; After the earthquake/J. Courage; The patriot/A.F. Webb; Winter feeding the herd/F.S. Anthony; Last adventure/F. Sargeson; Saturday night/D. Davin; The totara tree/R. Finlayson; Race day/M. Duggan; A girl with ambition/G.R. Gilbert; The making of a New Zealander/F. Sargeson; The whare/D. Stewart; The big game, School picnic/A.P. Gaskell; An annual affair/G. Texidor; The day of the sheep/J. Frame; The general and the nightingale/D. Davin; The glass wig/B. Mason; It was so late/J.R. Cole; The accident/A. Vogt; By the lake/D. McEldowney; And the glory/D. Ballantyne; The blind/H. Shaw; Coopers' Christmas/O.E. Middleton; The wedding/P. Wilson], ix+426pp., 1953. [DJI Lynton Lamb/ drawing of lake and mountainous terrain, wrapped onto spine; `M' on spine/ black, white, olive and blue, 1957] 535 SHAW, BERNARD Plays & Players: Essays on the Theatre [Two new plays; Poor Shakespear!; An old new play and a new old one; Mr Pinero's new play; Duse and Bernhardt; Romeo and Juliet; The old acting and the new; Plays of the week; Michael and his lost angel; The immortal William; Henry IV; The second dating of Sheridan; `The spacious times'; Blaming the bard; Little Eyolf; Ibsen without tears; Richard himself again; Better than Shakespear; Satan saved at last; The new Ibsen play; Olivia; Shakespear in Manchester; Meredith on comedy; Mr Pinero on turning forty; Madame Sans-Gêne; John Gabriel Borkman; Ibsen triumphant; Mainly about Shakespear; Robertson redivivus; Ghosts at the Jubilee; Hamlet; Shakespear and Mr Barrie; Hamlet revisited; Tappertit on Caesar; Mr Pinero's past; Beaumont and Fletcher; Shakespear's merry gentlemen; The drama in Hoxton; Kate Terry; G.B.S. vivisected; Valedictory], sel. and intro. A.C. Ward, index, xv+350pp., 1952. 536 FIRTH, SIR CHARLES Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England, intro. G.M. Young, pref., index, xx+488pp., 1953. 537 DE MORGAN, WILLIAM Joseph Vance: An Ill-Written Autobiography, postscript by the publishers, xxvii+595pp. 538 AXELSON, ERIC (sel. and ed.) South African Explorers [Diary of Vasco da Gama's Voyage to India; `Ethiopia Oriental'/J. dos Santos; The Cooper Mountains/S. van der Stel; Hendrick Hop's expedition to Great Namaqualand/C. Brink; Hottentots and Bushmen/A. Sparrman; Expedition of Pieter Truter and William Somerville to Lattakoo and the Orange River/J. Barrow; The Vaal River/W. Burchell; The Hartz River, Kurreechane/J. Campbell; Chaka/H. Fynn; The Drakensberg/A. Gardiner; Makaba, Moselekatse/R. Moffat; From the Magaliesberg to the Vaal/W.C. Harris; Descent of the Drakensberg/L. Trichardt; Lake Ngami/W.C. Oswell; The approaches to the Victoria Falls/J. Chapman; Ovamboland/F. Galton; The Okavango River/C. Andersson; The Victoria Falls/D. Livingstone; The Mashukulumbwi/F. Selous], pref., map, bibliog., xxv+346pp., 1954. 539 MANSFIELD, KATHERINE Selected Stories [From `Something Childish': Something childish but very natural; An indiscreet journey; From `Bliss': Prelude; Je ne parle pas français; Bliss; Psychology; Pictures; The man without a temperament; Mr Reginald Peacock's day; Sun and moon; Feuille d'album; A dill pickle; The little governess; From `The Garden Party': At the bay; The garden-party; The daughters of the late Colonel; Mr. and Mrs. Dove; Life of Ma Parker; Marriage à la mode; The voyage; Miss Brill; Her first ball; The stranger; From `The Dove's Nest': The doll's house; A cup of tea; The fly; The canary], sel. and intro. D.M. Davin, xviii+364pp., 1953. 540 STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS, and OSBOURNE, LLOYD The Wrong Box, intro. Bernard Darwin, pref., xv+205pp., 1954. 541 KEATS, JOHN Letters of John Keats, sel. and pref. Frederick Page, first lines of incidental verse, index, xii+460pp., 1954. 542 THOMPSON, FLORA Lark Rise to Candleford: A Trilogy [Lark Rise; Over to Candleford; Candleford Green], intro. H.J. Massingham, xvi+616pp., 1954. 543 KEMPE, MARGERY The Book of Margery Kempe, mod. vers. W. Butler-Bowdon, intro. R.W. Chambers, note, appendices: notes, chronology, Wynkyn De Worde's extracts, index, xxix+349pp., 1954. 544 CLARENDON, EARL OF [Edward Hyde] Clarendon: Selections from The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars; and, The Life by Himself, ed., pref. and intro. G. Huehns, index, xlv+492pp., 1955. 545 FALKNER, JOHN MEADE Nebuly Coat; and, The Lost Stradivarius, intro. G.M. Young, with personal note by H.H.E. Craster, xiv+564pp., 1954. 546 ARISTOTLE Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle, trans. and intro. Sir David Ross, pref., index, xxxiv+284pp., 1954. 547 CHESTERTON, G. K. Father Brown: Selected Stories [`The Innocence of Father Brown': The blue cross; The secret garden; The queer feet; The invisible man; The honour of Israel Gow; The hammer of God; The sign of the broken sword; `The Wisdom of Father Brown': The paradise of thieves; The mistake of the machine; The perishing of the Pendragons; The strange crime of John Boulnois; `The Incredulity of Father Brown': The oracle of the dog; The dagger with wings; `The Secret of Father Brown': The mirror of the magistrate; `The Scandal of Father Brown': The blast of the book; The green man; The point of a insoluble problem], intro. Ronald Knox, xvii+411pp., 1955. 548 SMITH, SYDNEY Selected Letters of Sydney Smith, ed. and pref. Nowell C. Smith, abbreviations, appendix, index, 353pp., 1956. 549 CHAPMAN, R. W. (sel., ed. and intro.) Jane Austen: Letters 1796-1817, appendix, notes, indexes: Jane Austen's family, Other persons, places, authors, etc., x+226pp., 1955. 550 HOMER The Odyssey of Homer, trans. from the Greek by T.E. Shaw (Lawrence of Arabia), intro. Sir Maurice Bowra, note, xvi+442pp., 1955. 551 JONES, GWYN (ed. and intro.) Welsh Short Stories [The nature of man, The benefit concert/R. Davies; Be this her memorial, A father in Syon/C. Evans; Possessions/G.E. Evans; All through the night/M. Evans; A sitting of eggs/G. Goodwin; Ifan Owen and the grey rider/W. Griffin; The stranger/R. Hughes; Wat Pantathro, Price-Parry/G. Jones; A night at Galon-Uchaf, The brute creation/G. Jones; The wanderers, They came/A. Lewis; The shining pyramid/A. Machen; Worthy is the Lamb/A.E. Richards; Old age, Two storms/K. Roberts; The enemies, A visit to Grandpa's/D. Thomas; And a spoonful of grief to taste, Thy need/G. Thomas; The white dove/A. Vaughan; Pwll-yr-Onnen/D.J. Williams; Will Thomas's cap/I. Williams] xv+330pp., 1956. 552 HUDSON, DEREK (sel. and intro.) Modern English Short Stories: Second Series [The kite/W.S. Maugham; The duchess and the jeweller/V. Woolf; The little willow/F. Towers; The hostage/C.S. Forester; Sealskin trousers/E. Linklater; The voice/V.S. Pritchett; Ever such a nice boy/W. Plomer; On guard/E. Waugh; The basement room/G. Greene; The woman who had imagination/H.E. Bates; Local boy makes good/J. Moore; The sacred and the profane/C. Sykes; The vertical ladder/W. Sansom; Man about the house/F. Urquhart; Mr. Minnenick/A.L. Barker; The putting away of Uncle Quaggin/N. Kneale; Maria/E. Bowen; The dearly beloved of Benjamin Cobb/C. Dane; A dream of winter/R. Lehmann], xiv+362pp., 1956. 553 BLUNDEN, EDMUND Undertones of War, with new pref., preliminary, supplement of poetical interpretations and variations, xvi+366pp., 1956. 554 CHESTERTON, G. K. An Anthology [Letters; Short story: The tremendous adventures of Major Brown; Essays and extracts: Vidi tantum; Boyhood; Twelve men; The white horses; The poet and the cheese; The romance of orthodoxy; The marvel; Luther's bonfire; Travel: The philosophy of sight-seeing; France; Belgium; Poland; Palestine; Ireland; Literary criticism: The function of the poet; A Midsummer Night's Dream; Milton and Merry England; Tennyson; Robert Louis Stevenson; Thomas Hardy; Sherlock Holmes; The case for Macaulay; Drama; Poems; Broadcast talk], sel. and intro. D.B. Wyndham Lewis, xxi+235pp., 1957. 555 BUCHAN, JOHN Montrose, intro. Keith Feiling, pref., maps, abbreviations, index, xxii+449pp., 1957. 556 GOGOL, NIKOLAI Dead Souls, trans. George Reavey, intro. Sir Maurice Bowra, publisher's note, ix+464pp., 1957. 557 JAMES, HENRY Selected Stories [International: Four Meetings; `Europe'; Miss Gunton of Poughkeepsie; The Artists: The real thing; The middle years; Broken wings; Fantasy, Ghosts, and Horror: The author of `Beltraffio'; The friends of the friends; The third person; The jolly corner; The Social Animal: The pupil; Brooksmith; The private life; The birthplace; The two faces; The bench of desolation], sel. and intro. Gerard Hopkins, x+610pp., 1957. 558 CLARK, M. (sel., ed. and intro.) Sources of Australian History [The discoverers, 500-1770; Convicts, gaolers, and colonists, 1779-1821; Settlers, convicts, and gold diggers, 1821-56; Bourgeoisie and bushmen, 1856-83; Nationalists and improvers, 1883-1901; The optimists, 1901-19], index, xii+622pp., 1957. 559 FITZPATRICK, KATHLEEN (sel. and intro.) Australian Explorers: A Selection from Their Writings with an Introduction [The crossing of the Blue Mountains by Blaxland, Lawson, and Wentworth…1813; Evans explores the land west of the Blue Mountains…1813-1815; Oxley attempts to trace the course of the Rivers Lachlan and Macquarie in 1817-18…; Hume and Hovell discover the Murray River…1824; Cunningham's explorations from Sydney…1825-27; Sturt traces the course of the Murrumbigee…1829-30; Mitchell crosses the Murray in 1836…; Grey's exploration in North-Western Australia in 1837-39; The first transcontinental exploration by Eyre in 1840…; Leichhardt's exploration of the north…1844-45; Sturt's expedition to the interior…1844-6; Mitchell reaches the tropics…1845-6; A.C. Gregory's North Australian Expedition 1855-6; …Stuart reaches the centre of the continent…1860; The first crossing…from south to north, 1860-1; F.T. Gregory's expedition to North-Western Australia 1861; …Stuart's…route from the south to the north…1861-2; The Warburton expedition from Adelaide…1872-3; …Forrest crosses the continent…1874; …Giles discovers Gibson's Desert 1874-6], note on sources, map, x+503pp., 1958. 560 O'CONNOR, F. (ed.) Modern Irish Short Stories [Home sickness/G. Moore; Lisheen races, second- hand/E. Œ. Somerville and M. Ross; The awakening/D. Corkery; The dead/J. Joyce; A rhinoceros, some ladies, and a horse/J. Stephens; The fairy goose, Three lambs, Going into exile/L. O'Flaherty; Prongs/L.A.G. Strong; Unholy living and half dying, The trout/S. O'Faoláin; Guests of the nation, My Œdipus complex/F. O'Connor; The jury case/E. Cross; The poteen maker/M. McLaverty; Exile's return/B. MacMahon; The will, A wet day/M. Lavin; The eagles and the trumpets/J. Plunkett; Summer night/E. Bowen], xv+335pp., 1957. 561 CONRAD, JOSEPH Victory: An Island Tale, intro. William Plomer, note to first edition, author's note, xxvi+415pp., 1957. 562 HAKLUYT, RICHARD Voyages & Documents [Epistle Dedicatory…(1589) to Sir Francis Walsingham; Christopher Columbus's offer to Henry VII…; Letters Patent…to the Cabots…1496; Sebastian Cabot's voyage to North America, 1497; Sebastian Cabot's voyage to Hudson Bay, 1509; The antiquity of English trade with the Levant; Robert Thorne's declaration to Henry VIII…; William Hawkins's voyages to Guinea and Brazil…; Roger Bodenham's voyage to Candia and Chios, 1550; Thomas Windham's second voyage to Barbury, 1552; Thomas Windham's first voyage to Guinea and Benin, 1553; The safe-conduct granted by the Sultan to Anthony Jenkinson at Aleppo, 1553; The voyage in search of the North-east Passage, led by…Willoughby and…Chancellor…; …Jenkinson's journey through Russia to Persia…; …Hawkins's first voyage to the West Indies…; …Hawkins's second voyage to the West Indies…; …Hawkins's third voyage to the West Indies…; Job Hortop's travels, 1567-90; …Jenkinson's summary of his travels…; …Drake's raid on Panama, 1572-3; …Oxenham's raid on Panama, 1575; The renewal of the Levant trade, 1575; …Frobisher's first voyage in search of the North-west passage…; …Frobisher's second voyage in search of the North-west passage…; …Drake's circumnavigation, 1577-80; …Sultan's letter to Queen Elizabeth…; …Stevens's voyage from Lisbon to Goa, 1579; The last voyage of…Gilbert to North America, 1583; The first voyage to Virginia, 1584; The escape of the `Primrose'…; …Davis's second voyage in search of the North-west Passage…; …Davis's letter concerning his second voyage…; The voyage of the `North Star' and the `Sunshine', 1586; …Davis's third voyage in search of the North-west Passage…; …Davis's letter concerning his third voyage…; The fourth voyage to Virginia with the second colony, 1587; …Drake's attack on Cadiz, 1587; The Invincible Armada, 1588; …Lancaster's voyage to the East Indies…; The last fight of `The Revenge', 1591], sel., intro. and glos. Janet Hampden, bibliog, chronology, index, xxviii+471pp., 1958. 563 LERMONTOV, MIKHAIL YUREVICH A Hero of Our Own Times, trans. Eden and Cedar Paul, intro. Sir Maurice Bowra, author's intro., xix+284pp., 1958. 564 FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE Madame Bovary: Life in a Country Town, trans. and foreword Gerard Hopkins, x+431pp., 1959. 565 SURTEES, R. S. Mr Sponge's Sporting Tour, intro. Joyce Cary, illus. John Leech, pref., xvii+500pp., 1958. 566 GISSING, GEORGE New Grub Street: A Novel, intro. G.W. Stonier, xii+544pp., 1958. 567 HUDSON, DEREK (sel. and intro) English Critical Essays–Twentieth Century, Second Series [J.M. Barrie as dramatist/H. Child; Leconte de Lisle/Sir H. Nicholson; Robert Henryson/E. Muir; The frontiers of criticism/T.S. Eliot; W.H. Hudson/H.J. Massingham; Creative imagination/C. Morgan; Henry James's `The Europeans'/F.R. Leavis; Introduction to Balzac/R. Mortimer; Country poets/E. Blunden; Sir Thomas Browne/B. Willey; Poets and scholars/Sir M. Bowra; The Carlyles/V.S. Pritchett; Poetic diction and the sublime/F.W. Bateson; The fine artof reading/Lord D. Cecil; Hazlitt's `Liber Amoris'; Daniel Defoe/P. Quennell; `The Spanish Tragedy'/W. Empson; Virginia Woolf/J. Lehmann; Wordsworth's fame/H. House; Whyte-Melville/A. Pryce-Jones; Inside the cage: reflections on conditioned and unconditioned imagination/S. Spender; Cavalier poetry and Cavalier politics/C.V. Wedgwood; Bernard Shaw/W. Allen; Arnold Bennett/N. Nicholson; `Waiting for Godot'/G.S. Fraser; Denton Welch/M. Cranston; A visit to Mrs. Wilcox/N. Lewis; Dylan Thomas: a review of his Collected Poems/J. Wain], xv+363pp., 1958. 568 WORDSWORTH, DOROTHY The Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth: The Alfoxen Journal 1798, The Grasmere Journals, 1800-1803, with an Appendix of Wordsworth's Shorter Poems referred to in the Journals, ed. with intro. Helen Darbishire, note on text, map, xviii+264pp., 1958. 569 ALAIN-FOURNIER The Lost Domain (Le Grand Meaulnes), trans. Frank Davison, intro. Alan Pryce- Jones, xix+283pp., 1959. 570 TURGENEV, IVAN S. A Nest of Gentlefolk, and Other Stories [A nest of gentlefolk; A quiet backwater; First love; A Lear of the Steppes], trans. and intro. Jessie Coulson, characters, pronunciation, xiv+461pp., 1959. 571 ANDERSEN, HANS Andersen's Fairy Tales, trans. L.W. Kingsland, illus. Vilhelm Pedersen and Lorenz Frølich, intro. Naomi Lewis, xxi+349pp., 1959. 572 RICHARDS, CHARLES and PLACE, JAMES (sel., pref. and intro.) East African Explorers [John Ludwig Krapf and John Rebmann: two missionary explorers; Charles New: missionary journeys; David Livingstone, Henry Morton Stanley, Verney Lovett Cameron: Livingston in Tanganyika–the last expedition and the search; Richard Burton, John Hanning Speke, James Augustus Grant: the source of the Nile; Samuel White Baker: Lake Albert Nyanza; Joseph Thomson: the African Lakes and the Masai country; Gaetano Casati: Emin Pasha and the Equatorial province; Count Samuel Teleki and Ludwig von Höhnel: the discovery of Lakes Rudolf and Stephanie; J.W. Gregory: the Great Rift Valley; Frederick Dealtry Lugard: British East Africa; J.R.L. Macdonald: surveying for the Uganda Railway; Herbert Austin: through the Suk country to Lake Rudolf], xxii+356pp., map, 1960. 573 WEAVER, ROBERT (sel. and intro.) Canadian Short Stories [The privilege of the limits/E.W. Thomson; Strayed/Sir C.G.D. Roberts; Paul Farlotte/D.C. Scott; The marine excursion of the Knights of Pythias/S. Leacock; Snow/F.P. Grove; Mrs Golightly and the first convention/E. Wilson; The heritage/Ringuet; Mist-green oats/R. Knister; Blind MacNair/T.H. Randall; Last Spring they came over, A sick call/M. Callaghan; A priest in the family/L. Kennedy; The painted door/S. Ross; The pigeon/R. Gustafson; The bravest boat/M. Lowry; Vacation in La Voiselle/I. Layton; One, two, three little Indians/H. Garner; The old woman/J. Marshall; The owl and the Bens/W.O. Mitchell; The green bird/P.K. Page; The house on the esplanade/A. Hébert; The Stations of the Cross/R. Lemelin; The legacy/M. Gallant; The bully/J. Reaney; The haying/D. Spettigue; The time of death/A. Munro; Benny, the war in Europe, and Myerson's daughter Bella/M. Richler], xiii+420pp., 1960. 574 POPE, ALEXANDER Letters of Alexander Pope, sel. and intro. John Butt, note on the text, chronology, index of persons addressed, xxviii+384pp., 1960. 575 BEAVER, H. (sel. and intro.) American Critical Essays: Twentieth Century [The hall-marks of American/H.L. Mencken; What is literature, what is language, etc.??/E. Pound; Theodore Dreiser/V. Brooks; The sense of poetry: Shakespeare's `The phoenix and the turtle'/I.A. Richards; The politics of Flaubert/E. Wilson; Poet without critics: a note on Robinson Jeffers/H. Gregory; Thomas Wolfe: the professional deformation/ M. Cowley; Emily Dickinson/A. Warren; The man of letters in the modern world/A. Tate; Maule's curse or Hawthorne and the problem of allegory/Y. Winters; Willa Cather: the tone of time/M.D. Zabel; Tradition and the individual talent/F.O. Matthiessen; An adjunct to the muses' diadem: a note on E.P./R.P. Blackmur; William Faulkner/R.P. Warren; Huckleberry Finn/L. Trilling; What does poetry communicate?/C. Brooks; Henry James: the American scene/W.H. Auden; Paleface and redskin/P. Rahv; Observations on the style of Ernest Hemingway/H. Levin; The broken circuit: romance and the American novel/R. Chase; Ishmael and Ahab/A. Kazin; The book of the grotesque/I. Howe], acknowledgements, xvi+364pp., 1959. 576 DOBRÉE, BONAMY (ed. and intro,) Five Heroic Plays [The Tragedy of Mustapha/R. Boyle (Orrery); The Empress of Morocco/E. Settle; The Destruction of Jerusalem, Pt II/J. Crowne; Sophonisba/N. Lee; Aureng-Zebe/J. Dryden], facs of each orig. title-page, xiii+339pp., 1960. 577 CORBETT, JIM Man-Eaters of Kumaon; and, The Temple Tiger, intro. Geoffrey Cumberlege, xviii+383pp., 1960. 578 FORSTER, E. M. The Longest Journey, with intro., xiv+333pp., 1960. 579 CRANE, STEPHEN Red Badge of Courage and Other Stories [The Red Badge of Courage; Maggie: A girl of the streets; The open boat; The bride comes to Yellow Sky; The Blue Hotel; His new mittens; The upturned face], intro. V.S. Pritchett, note on texts R.W. Smallman, xvi+366pp., 1960. 580 À WOOD, ANTHONY The Life and Times of Anthony à Wood, abridged from Andrew Clark's edn, with preface and note by Llewelyn Powys, bibliog. note; three letters concerning Wood's last illness, with his Will, index, 372pp., 1961. 581 GORKY, MAXIM Childhood, trans. Snow, xii+330pp., 582 JONES, GWYN (sel., trans. and intro.) Eirik the Red, and Other Icelandic Sagas [Sagas of Irelanders: Hen-Thorir; The Vapnfjord Men; Thorstein Staff-Struck; Hrafnkel the Priest of Frey; Eirik the Red; Thodrandi whom the Goddesses slew; Authun and the bear; Gunnlaug Wormtongue; Sagas of Times Past: King Hrolf and his champions], map, note, xvi+318pp., 1961. 583 KNOWLAND, A. S. (ed. and intro.) Six Caroline Plays [The Lady of Pleasure, The Wedding/J. Shirley; A Mad Couple Well Matched, The Antipodes/R. Brome; The Wits/Sir W. Davenant; The Parson's Wedding/T. Killigrew], note on the texts, xvi+553pp., 1962. 584 WILDE, OSCAR Selected Writings [The decay of lying; The critic as artist I; The critic as artist II; Lord Arthur Savile's crime; The happy prince; The nightingale and the rose; The selfish giant; The devoted friend; The remakable rocket; Lady Windermere's Fan; The importance of being earnest], intro. Richard Ellmann, xiii+361pp., 1961. 585 SYNGE, J. M. Four Plays and the Aran Islands [Riders to the Sea; The Shadow of the Glen; The Tinker's Wedding; The Playboy of the Western World; The Aran Islands], ed. and intro. Robin Skelton, check-list of books by J.M. Synge, selection of books on Synge, bibliog., xx+327pp., 1962. 586 CHAPMAN, R. W. (ed. and pref.) Selections from Samuel Johnson 1709-1984, xv+446pp., 1962. 587 DEFOE, DANIEL The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders, intro. Bonamy Dobreé, note on the text Herbert Davis, repor. title page of first edn, xi[+4]+394pp., 1961. 588 HERODOTUS The Histories of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, trans. and intro. Harry Carter, maps, index, xvi+617pp., 1962. 589 TWAIN, MARK Life on the Mississippi, intro. H. Beaver, appendixes, xviii+429pp., 1962. [DJI Lynton Lamb/ illus. of steamboats on river/ black and white on grey, 1973] 590 RIDLER, ANNE (sel. and intro.) Shakespeare Criticism, 1935-60 [Measure for Measure/R.W. Chambers; Motivation in Shakespeare's choice of materials/H. Craig; Riot and the prodigal prince/J.D. Wilson; The first tetralogy/E.M.W. Tillyard; Shakespeare and the diction of common life/F.P. Wilson; Restoring Shakespeare/P. Alexander; The criticism of Shakespeare's late plays/F.R. Leavis; Hamlet/H.D.F. Kitto; The Shakespearian integrity/G.W. Knight; The basis of Shakespearian comedy/N. Coghill; The naked babe and the cloak of manliness/C. Brooks; King Lear/L.C. Knights; Shakespeare's men and their morals/J.I.M. Stewart; Music in Shakespeare/W.H. Auden; Pericles/K. Muir; The noble Moor/H. Gardner; The fashioning of a courtier/M.C. Bradbrook; The unity of 2 Henry IV/C. Leech], xiii+401pp., 1963. 591 DAVIS, NORMAN (ed. and intro.) The Paston Letters: A Selection in Modern Spelling, bio. list, notes, glos., index, xxii+288pp., 1963. 592 GILBERT, W. S. The Savoy Operas, Vol. I [Trial by Jury; The Sorcerer; H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The Lass that loved a sailor; Pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty; Patience, or, Bunthorne's bride; Iolanthe, or, The peer and the peri; Princess Ida, or, Castle adamant, Appendix: Thespis, or, The gods grown old], intro. David Cecil, notes on the operas Derek Hudson, publisher's note, xvii+396pp., 1962. 593 GILBERT, W. S. The Savoy Operas, Vol. II [The Mikado; Ruddigore; The Yeoman of the Guard; The Gondoliers; Utopia Limited; The Grand Duke], intro. Bridget D'Oyly Carte, notes on th operas Derek Hudson, publisher's note, xiii+423pp., 1963. 594 MOORE, GEORGE Esther Waters, intro. Graham Hough, xvii+395pp., 1964. 595 REID, J. M. (sel. and intro.) Scottish Short Stories [Wandering Willie's tale/Sir W. Scott; The fair maid of Cellardykes/T. Gillespie; The gray wolf/G. Macdonald; Thrawn Janet, The Isle of Voices/R.L. Stevenson; Miss Christian Jean/R.B.C. Graham; The Lammas preaching/S.R. Crockett; The courting of T'nowhead's Bell/Sir J. Barrie; The lost pibroch, Hurricane Jack/N. Munro; The Company of the Marjolaine/J. Buchan; Art's wedding present/N.M. Gunn; The tune Kilmarnock/J.M. Reid; On an island/N. Mitchison; The goose girl/E. Linklater; Smeddum/L.G. Gibbon; Alive- oh!/I. Macpherson; Number Two Burke Street/G. Scott-Moncrieff; The last G.I. bride wore tartan/F. Urquhart; Madame X/M. Jamieson; Peacocks and pagodas/D.K. Haynes; The money/I.H. Finlay], glos., xiii+328pp., 1963. 596 ARBERRY, ARTHUR J. (trans. and intro.) The Koran Interpreted, index, xiii+674pp., 1964. 597 DOSTOEVSKY, F. M. Memoirs from the House of the Dead, trans. and pref. Jessie Coulson, xiii+361pp., 1965. 598 JAMES, BRIAN (sel. and intro.) Australian Short Stories, Second Series, [The pleasure-house/N. Lindsay; Marlene/K.S. Prichard; Trochus Island/V. Palmer; Father clears out/J. Hackston; Untimely aid/B. James; The wasteland/F.D. Davison; The river/C. Mann; Speak to me/M. Barnard; The promise/R.S. Porteous; Kaditcha/H. Drake- Brockman; The rise and fall of Jeremiah Laffin/X. Herbert; The sleeping doll/J. Morrison; Clear profit/D. Edwards; Old Heinrich and the lambing ewe/E.O. Schlunke; It finds its level/G. Casey; I wouldn't miss Christmas/D. Campbell; The wisdom of Ragos/O. Ruhen; The scholarly mouse/D. Stivens; Sisters/J. Waten; A flying fragment/J. Lusby; The birth of Mrs. Paget/D. Stewart; Halcrow Street/M. Trist; Mr. Barker drops in/J. Fountain; The wedge- tailed eagle/G. Dutton; A schoolie and a ghost/D. Rowbotham; The time of the peacock/M. Abdullah and R. Mayhew; The rector's wife tempts the bishop with a brew of nyppe/E. Anderson; The township/M. Morris], with corrigenda, xv+362pp., 1963. 599 CHEKHOV, ANTON Selected Stories [The boys; Miss N's story; The siren; The beauties; The butterfly; The black monk; The student; An Anna round his neck; The house with a mezzanine; The peasants; The cart; A visit to friends; On love; From a case- book; The darling; The lady with the little dog; In the ravine; The bishop], trans. and intro. Jessie Coulson, xvi+365pp., 1963. 600 ARNOLD, MATTHEW Selected Essays [Preface to the first edition of `Essays in Criticism: First Series'; The function of criticism at the present time; The study of poetry; On translating Homer; Wordsworth; Count Leo Tolstoi; Hamlet once more; Equality; Literature and science; Culture and anarchy; Religion given; The God of metaphysics], sel. and intro. Noel Annan, xv+392pp., 1964. 601 NEWMAN, JOHN HENRY, CARDINAL Apologia Pro Vita Sua: Being a History of his Religious Opinions, intro. Basil Willey, author's pref., notes (including Calendar of English Saints), xxxiv+405pp., 1964. 602 FONTANE, THEODOR Beyond Recall (Unweiderbringlich), trans. and intro. Douglas Parmée, xii+299pp., 1964. 603 BOOTH, MICHAEL R. (ed. and intro.) Eighteenth Century Tragedy [The London Merchant/G. Lillo: Irene/S. Johnson; The Gamester/E. Moore/Douglas/ J. Home; The Iron Chest/G. Colman the Younger], note on text, xiii+394pp., 1965. 604 BATES, H. E. (sel. and intro.) Six Stories: Guy de Maupassant, Anton Chekhov, Max Beerbohm, James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway, and H.E. Bates [Boule de Suif/G. de Maupassant; The party/A. Chekhov; Enoch Soames/M. Beerbohm; The dead/J. Joyce; The snows of Kilimanjaro/E. Hemingway; The cruise of `The Breadwinner'/H.E. Bates], xvii+264pp., 1965. 605 GRANT, DOUGLAS (sel. and intro.) American Short Stories [My kinsman, Major Molineux/N. Hawthorne; The black cat/E.A. Poe; Benito Cereno/H. Melville; Baker's bluejay yarn/M. Twain; The coup de grâce/A. Bierce; The beast in the jungle/H. James; The return of a private/H. Garland; Roman fever/E. Wharton; The open boat/S. Crane; The heathen/J. London; I want to know why/S. Anderson; A day's work/K.A. Porter; Dry September/W. Faulkner; The short happy life of Francis Macomber/E. Hemingway], xi+398pp., 1965. 606 ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM A. (ed. and intro.) Elizabethan History Plays [King John/J. Bale; Edward the Third/Anonymous; Woodstock/Anonymous; Perkin Warbeck/J. Ford; King John and Matilda/R. Davenport], glos., xv+428pp., 1965. 607 MAYHEW, HENRY Selections from London Labour and the London Poor, sel. and intro. John L. Bradley, xl+238pp., 1965. 608 KOLJEVIC, SVETOZAR (sel., trans. and intro.) Yugoslav Short Stories [The first morning service with father/ L. Lazarevic; Oskopac and Bila/S. Matavulj; Three Zwanzigers/A. Krstic; Danga/R. Domanovic; The coward/D. Simunovic; Ibrahim-Bey's corner/S. Corovic; The dead man's wife/B. Stankovic; Pavlicek's crown/I. Cankar; Through the storm/P. Kocic; The master of his own body/S. Kolar; The climbers, The Bridge on the Zepa/I. Andric; The first mass of Alojz Ticek/M. Krleza; The guest/V. Kaleb; The old apple-tree/M. Kranjec; The caterpillar/C. Kosmac; The bone stars/B. Marinkovic; The bearleader's last journey/B. Copic; The red scarf/A. Isakovic], notes on authors, xix+380pp., 1966. 609 ALVAREZ, A. (intro.) Hungarian Short Stories [The frog/M. Jókai; The gentry/K. Mikszáth; A chicken and a woman/S. Bródy; A painter in the village/G. Gárdonyi; The divine garden/D. Szomory; Death and the doctor/J. Heltai; The last cigar at the Grey Arab/G. Krúdy; Everything is good at the end of the world/Z. Móricz; The gymnasts/L. Nagy; Omelette à Woburn/D. Kosztolányi; The music makers/G. Csáth; Abdominal operation/F. Karinthy; The gigolo/S. Hunyady; Ambition and hilarity/T. Déry; `Hohem' and `Freier'/J. Lengyel; The organ/K. Pap; Madelon the dog/A. Szerb; Fear/E. Illés; Skating/G. Illyés; A house on an empty lot/A.E. Gelléri; At cockcrow/M. Szabó; The birthday of Emil Dukich/F. Karinthy], biblio. notes, xvi+432pp., 1967. [Co-published with Corvina Press, Budapest] 610 BEERBOHM, MAX Seven Men and Two Others [Enoch Soames; Hilary Maltby and Stephen Braxton; James Pethel; A.V. Laider; Felix Argallo and Walter Ledgett; `Savonarola' Brown], intro. Lord David Cecil, note, illus., xiii+240pp., 1966. 611 VOLTAIRE Candide; and Other Stories [Zadig, or destiny; The way of the world; Micromegas; Candide, or optimism; The innocent; The Princess of Babylon; Lord Chesterfield's ears and Chaplain Goudman], trans. Joan Spencer, intro. daguerreotype by Beard/ with father/ L. Lazarevic; Krstic; Danga/R. Domanovic;Theodore Besterman, bibliog. note, xiii+397pp., 1966. 612 NEMCOVA, JEANNE W. (sel., trans. and intro.) Czech and Slovak Short Stories [The sisters/B. Nemcova; At the sign of the Three Lilies/J. Neruda; Mr. Vasek/I. Herrmann; The newspaper/K.V. Rais; The good judge/I. Olbracht; Three men and a shark/J. Hasek; The last judgement/K. Capek; The reformation of Felix Piskora/K. Polacek; Sova's sister/M. Pujmanova; The World cafeteria/B. Hrabal; A village story/J. Drda; Gabor, Gabor…/L. Askenazy; The great Catholic water fast/J. Skvorecky; The white one/A. Lustig; Mordair/J. Nesvadba; Journey to a dead man/I. Klima; Landing in Australia/A. Hykisch; One brief moment/J. Blazkova; Frigo/J. Benes; The room/V. Linhartova], xv+296pp., 1966. 613 STEAD, C. K. (sel. and intro.) New Zealand Short Stories, Second Series [The undertaker's story, City and suburban/F. Sargeson; The bulls/R. Finlayson; No man is an island/J. Courage; My first whale/O. Ruhen; The bull/H. Shaw; The gusla/A.E. Batistich; Old Tolly/E.S. Grenfell; My youth is pleasure, Along Rideout Road that summer/M. Duggan; At the Leicesters'/B. Pearson; It was Easter, End of the river/P. Wilson; Other gardens, A leopard yarn/D. Ballantyne; The reservoir/J. Frame; Saving the breed, The doss-house and the duchess/O.E. Middleton; For all the saints/J. Sturm; Perspective/R. Amato; A piece of land/N. Hilliard; The losers/M. Gee; The people before/M. Shadbolt; A fitting tribute/G.K. Stead; An opinion of the ballet/A. Guyan; Loops of her hair/M. Duckworth], xvii+363pp., 1966. 614 ROWELL, GEORGE (ed. and intro.) Late Victorian Plays, 1890-1914 [The Second Mrs. Tanqueray/A.W. Pinero; The Liars/H.A. Jones; The Mollusc/H.H. Davies; The Cassilis Engagement/St J. Hankin; The Voysey Inheritance/H. Granville-Barker; Justice/J. Galsworthy; Hindle wakes/S. Houghton], xiv+507pp., 1968. 615 MANNING, OLIVIA (intro.) Romanian Short Stories [Old Nichifor Slyboots/I. Creang|; Scormon/I. Slavici; In time of war, Bubico, High life/I.L. Caragiale; Nicul|it| the fibber/I. Br|tescu-Voinesti; Gloria Constantini/G. Galaction; In Moldavia/M. Sadoveanu; Fefeleaga/I. Agîrbiceanu; Uncle Anghel/P. Istrati; Remember/M. I. Caragiale; The death dance/L. Rebreanu; Lilac-time/Z. Stancu; Rain in June/A. Sahia; Encounter in the fields/M. Preda; A slice of bread/F. Munteanu; The end of the holidays/E. Barbu; The hanged doll/D.R. Popescu], notes on authors, xiv+335pp., 1971. 616 MOLIÈRE Six Prose Comedies of Molière [Coxcombs in Petticoats; Don Juan; The Reluctant Doctor; The Miser; The Self-Made Gentleman; Scapin the Scamp], trans. George Graveley, intro. W.G. Moore, xvi+378pp., 1968. 617 MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN Mandeville's Travels, ed., modernized and intro. M.C. Seymour, gloss., index of persons and peoples, index of places, xxii+263pp., 1968. 618 619 DOSTOEVSKY, FEODOR Crime & Punishment: A Novel in Six parts and an Epilogue, trans. Jessie Coulson, list of characters, maps on lining papers, xiv+527pp., 1973. Var: no maps on lining papers, 1973. [?]

1) And its price in the market) being the substance (with additions) of two lectures on the political economy of art], prefs., index; The Two Paths [Five lectures], appendices, index, Ruskin House edn, 437pp., 1907. 148 RUSKIN, JOHN Works: `Unto This Last' [Four essays on the first principles of political economy], index; Munera Pulveris [Six essays on the elements of political economy], appendices, index, Ruskin House edn, 337pp., 1907. 149 REYNOLDS, JOSHUA The Discourses of Sir Joshua Reynolds: to which are added his letters to `The Idler', intro. Austin Dobson, chronology, xxiii+260pp., 1907. 150 IRVING, WASHINGTON A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, from the mss. of Fray Antonio Agapida, appendix, xii+458pp., 1910. 151 LESAGE, ALAIN-RENÉ The Adventures of Gil Blas de Santillana, Vol. I, trans. Tobias Smollett, port. Alain-René Lesage, intro. James Fitzmaurice-Kelly, xxxii+408pp, 1907. [DJ Typographic design, with decorative device, black on red, 1907] 152 LESAGE, ALAIN-RENÉ The Adventures of Gil Blas de Santillana, Vol. II, trans. Tobias Smollett, port. Alain-René Lesage, notes James Fitzmaurice-Kelly, xiv+408pp., 1907. [DJ Typographic design, with decorative device, black on red, 1907] 153 CARLYLE, THOMAS Works VI: Past and Present, intro. G.K. Chesterton, xv+331pp., 1909. 154 GASKELL, ELIZABETH C. The Novels and Tales of Mrs Gaskell IV: North and South, intro. Clement Shorter, frontis. port. of author, chronology, pref. to first edn, xii+528pp., 1908. 155 ELIOT, GEORGE Works IV: Scenes of Clerical Life [The Sad Fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton; Mr Gilfil's Love-story; Janet's Repentance], intro. Annie Matheson, xx+424pp., 1909. 156 GASKELL, ELIZABETH C. The Novels and Tales of Mrs Gaskell V: Sylvia's Lovers, intro. Clement K. Shorter, chronology, xiv+535pp., 1909. 157 GASKELL, ELIZABETH C The Novels and Tales of Mrs Gaskell VI: Wives and Daughters, intro. Clement Shorter, chronology, xvi+755pp., 1910. [DJ Typographic design/ decorative device, 1911] 158 DUFFERIN, LORD Letters from High Latitudes: Being Some Account of a Voyage in 1856 in the Schooner Yacht `Foam' to Iceland, Jan Mayen and Spitzbergen, intro. R.W. Macan, xxxvi+261pp., 1910. 159 GRANT, JAMES Works I: The Captain of the Guard, viii+344pp. 1910. 160 MARRYAT, FREDERICK Works of Captain Marryat I: Mr. Midshipman Easy, viii+424pp., 1910. 161 PORTER, JANE Works I: The Scottish Chiefs, vi+448pp., 1910. 162 AINSWORTH, WILLIAM HARRISON The Tower of London: An Historical Romance, pref., xv+552pp., 1910. [DJI ?] 163 COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE Works I: The Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757, 444pp., 1910. [DJI ?] 164 MARRYAT, FREDERICK Works of Captain Marryat II: The King's Own, illus. Warwick Goble [?], 451pp., 1910. [?] [DJI ?] 165 LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER, LORD LYTTON Works of Lord Lytton I: Harold: Last of the Saxon Kings, illus. [C. Burton], notes, xxiv+576pp., 1908. [DJ `Illus. of Harold and Edith (See p. 381)', 1920] 166 REID, CAPTAIN MAYNE Works of Captain Mayne Reid I: The Rifle Rangers or Adventures in Southern Mexico, illus. J.E. Sutcliffe, [pagination?], 1911. [?] 167 REID, CAPTAIN MAYNE Works of Captain Mayne Reid II: The Scalp Hunters or Romantic Adventures in Northern Mexico, six illus. [A.H. Collins], pref., explanatory notes, xi+462pp., 1910. 168 GASKELL, ELIZABETH C. The Novels and Tales of Mrs Gaskell VII: Cousin Phillis and Other Tales, Etc. [Cousin Phillis; Mr. Harrison's confessions; The sexton's hero; Clotton House; Company manners; French life; Modern Greek songs; An Italian institution], intro. Clement Shorter, frontis. portrait of Gaskell, chronology, xx+352pp., 1911. 169 SOUTHEY, ROBERT Letters of Robert Southey, sel. and intro. Maurice Henry Fitzgerald, biographical table, xl+552pp., 1912. 170 MILL, JOHN STUART On Liberty, Representative Government, The Subjection of intro. Millicent Garrett Fawcett, xx+548pp., 1912. 171 BLACKMORE, R. D. Women: Three Essays, and white on orange, Lorna Doone: A Romance of Exmoor, viii+556pp., 1913. [?] 172 MAKOWER, STANLEY V. and BLACKWELL, BASIL H. (sel. and pref.) A Book of English Essays (1600-1900) [F. Bacon; Sir T. Overbury;J. Earle; O. Feltham; Sir T. Browne; T. Fuller; E. Hyde (Clarendon); A. Cowley; J. Dryden; J. Swift; R. Steele; J. Addison; H. Fielding; S. Johnson; D. Hume; O. Goldsmith; S. Smith; C. Lamb; W. Hazlitt; W. Irving; J.H.L. Hunt; T. de Quincey; T. Carlyle; T.B. Macaulay; R.W. Emerson; E.A. Poe; W.M. Thackeray; C. Dickens; J.A. Froude; J.R. Lowell, J. Ruskin; G. Eliot; M. Arnold; W. Bagehot; A.C. Swinburne; W.H. Pater; J.A. Symonds; R. Jefferies; R.L. Stevenson; F. Thompson; M. Coleridge], alphabetical list of authors, xii+440pp., 1912. 173 IRVING, WASHINGTON The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, gent., ed. and intro. T. Balston, xx+458pp., 1912. 174 LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH Hiawatha, The Courtship of Miles Standish and Other Poems [The Song of Hiawatha; The Courtship of Miles Standish; Tales of a Wayside Inn; Birds of Passage], notes, index of titles, index of first lines, x+487pp. 1912. 175 GASKELL, ELIZABETH C. The Novels and Tales of Mrs Gaskell VIII: Lizzie Leigh; The Grey Woman; and Other Tales [Lizzie Leigh; The well of Pen- Morfa; The heart of John Middleton; The old nurse's story; Traits and stories of the Huguenots; Morton Hall; My French master; The squire's story; The grey woman; Curious if true; Six weeks at Heppenheim; Libbie Marsh's three eras; Christmas storms and sunshine; Hand and heart; Bessy's troubles at home; Disappearances], intro. Clement Shorter, chronology, xvi+478pp., 1913. 176 BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT Poems: A Selection, frontis. port. of EBB, index of titles, index of first lines, viii+428pp., 1912. 177 GALT, JOHN The Entail; or, The Lairds of Grippy, intro. John Ayscough, glos., xiii+437pp., 1913. 178 ELIOT, GEORGE Works V: Romola, intro. Viola Meynell, xvi+600pp., 1913. 179 ELIOT, GEORGE Works VI: Felix Holt: The Radical, intro. Viola Meynell, xiv+503pp., 1913. 180 BYRON, LORD Selected Poems of Byron, frontis: Lord Byron, from the portrait by A.E. Chalon,index of titles, index of first lines, x+436pp., 1913. 181 KEBLE, JOHN The Christian Year: Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holydays Throughout the Year, advertisement to the original edition, index of titles, index of first lines, xii+262pp., 1914. 182 MILTON, JOHN The English Poems of John Milton, ed. H. C. Beeching, vii+488pp., 1913. [DJ Portrait of `John Milton', 1929] 183 MORRIS, WILLIAM The Defence of Guenevere; The Life and Death of Jason; and, Other Poems, index of titles, index of first lines, viii+526pp., 1914. 184 ROSSETTI, CHRISTINA Goblin Market; The Prince's Progress; and, Other Poems, index of titles, index of first lines, xi+297pp., 1913. 185 ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL Poems & Translations, 1850-1870, together with the prose story, `Hand and Soul', index of first lines of poems, index of first lines of translations, xvii+492pp., 1914. 186 SCOTT, SIR WALTER Poems, index of first lines, viii+592pp., 1913. [DJI ?] 187 SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE Selected Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley, index of titles, index of viii+479pp., 1913. 188 WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF Selected Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier, note, index of titles, index of first lines, x+485pp., 1913. 189 WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM Selected Poems of William Wordsworth, index of titles, index of first lines, 516pp., 1913. [?] 190 GASKELL, ELIZABETH C. The Novels and Tales of Mrs Gaskell IX: Round the Sofa [Round the sofa: My Lady Ludlow; An accursed race; The doom of the Griffiths; Half a life-time ago; The poor Clare; The half-brothers], intro. Clement Shorter, chronology, xvi+424pp., 1913. 191 JONES, EDGAR R. (ed. and pref.) Selected English Speeches from Burke to Gladstone [On conciliation with America/E. Burke; Employment of Indian troops/W. Pitt (Chatham); American peace/W. Pitt (the Younger); The Westminster scrutiny/C.J. Fox; Impeachment of Warren Hastings/R.B. Sheridan; Peace of Amiens/W. Windham; Downfall of Buonaparte/H. Grattan; Catholic emancipation/D. O'Connell; Affairs of Portugal/G. Canning; The Catholics of Ireland/R.L. Sheil; Parliamentary reform/Henry, Lord Brougham; Jewish disabilities/T.B. Macaulay; Free trade/R. Cobden; Speech on the Address/B. D'Israeli; Free trade/J. Bright; The right of free speech/J. Bright; Chips/Lord R. Churchill; The Irish Question/W.E. Gladstone], viii+383pp., 1913. 192 DUCKITT, M. and WRAGG, H. (arr. and pref.) Selected English Letters (XV-XIX Centuries) [Sir T. More; M. Roper; R. Ascham; F. Bacon; Sir T. Browne; J. Milton; J. Evelyn; Dame D. Browne; George, lord Berkeley; D. Osborne; K. Philips; J. Locke; S. Pepys; J. Swift; J. Addison; Sir R. Steele; J. Gay; A. Pope; S. Richardson; Lady M.W. Montagu; P.D. Stanhope (Chesterfield); S. Johnson; L. Sterne; T. Gray; H. Walpole; O. Goldsmith; W. Cowper; E. Burke; E. Gibbon; F. D'Arblay; G. Crabbe; W. Blake; M. Leadbeater; R. Burns; W. Wordsworth; Sir W. Scott; S.T. Coleridge; R. Southey; C. Lamb; W. Hazlitt; L. Hunt; G. Gordon, Lord Byron; P. B. Shelley; J. Keats; T. Hood; R. Browning and E.B. Browning; C. Brontë], xv+460pp., 1913. [DJI ?] 193 WALKER, HUGH and MILFORD, HUMPHREY SUMNER (sel.) Selected English Short Stories (Nineteenth Century) [Spine: Selected Short Stories] [The two drovers, Wandering Willie's tale/Sir W. Scott; The witch aunt/ C. Lamb; Rip van Winkle/W. Irving; The snow-image, The threefold destiny, Dr Heidegger's experiment, Howe's masquerade/N. Hawthorne; Ixion in Heaven/B. Disraeli; The fall of the House of Usher, The pit and the pendulum, Eleonora/E.A. Poe; The squire's story/E.C. Gaskell; Rab and his friends/Dr. J. Brown; The seven poor travellers/C. Dickens; Malachi's cove/A. Trollope; The punishment of Shahpesh, the Persian, on Khipil, the builder/G. Meredith; Mr. Whittaker's retirement/W.H. White; The story of the unknown church/W. Morris; The dumb oracle/R. Garnett; Miggles, Tennessee's partner, The iliad of Sandy Bar, Mliss/F.B. Harte; Markheim, Thrawn Janet, Providence and the guitar/R.L. Stevenson; Christopherson/G. Gissing; The King is dead, long live the King/M. Coleridge; Saint-Pé/R. Crackanthorpe], intro. `The short story in English' Hugh Walker, xxxv+486pp., 1914. 194 BETHAM-EDWARDS, M. Lord of the Harvest, intro. Frederic Harrison, xiii+242pp., 1913. 195 BARROW, SIR JOHN The Mutiny and Piratical Seizure of H.M.S. Bounty, intro. Sir Cyprian Bridge, xxiii+376pp. 1914. 196 LANDOR, WALTER SAVAGE Imaginary Conversations: A Selection, intro. Ernest de Sélincourt, list of persons introduced in this selection, xl+471pp., 1914. 197 PRESCOTT, WILLIAM H. The Conquest of Mexico, Vol. I, intro. Mrs Alec-Tweedie, maps, xxi+375pp., 1915. 198 PRESCOTT, WILLIAM H. The Conquest of Mexico, Vol. II, W.H. index, xi+410pp., 1915. 199 WHEELER, C. B. (ed. and intro.) Six Plays by Contemporaries of Shakespeare [The Shoemaker's Holiday/T. Dekker; The White Devil/J. Webster; The Knight of the Burning Pestle, Philaster/F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher; The Duchess of Malfi/J. Webster; No Way to Pay Old Debts/P. Massinger], x+595pp., 1915. 200 SMITH, ALEXANDER Dreamthorp, with Selections from Last Leaves [Dreamthorp: Dreamthorp; On the writing of essays; On death and the fear of dying; William Dunbar; A lark's flight; Christmas; Men of letters; On the importance of a man to himself; A shelf in my bookcase; Geoffrey Chaucer; Books and gardens; On vagabonds; A selection from `Last Leaves': An essay on an old subject; On dreams and dreaming; Winter; The minister-painter], intro. Hugh Walker, xxv+319pp., 1914. [DJ Blue on white; engraving from the book: `In summer I spent a good deal of time floating about the lake.' (Page 12); As an essayist Alexander Smith's place `is in the group which contains Lamb, and the Thackeray of Roundabout Papers, and R. L. Stevenson.'–Dr. Hugh Walker, [date?]] [?] 201 JONES, EDGAR R. (ed.) Selected Speeches on Foreign Policy, 1738-1914 [W. Pitt [Earl of Chatham]; R.B. Sheridan; W. Pitt [the Younger]; G. Canning; Sir R. Peel; Lord John Russell [later Earl Russell]; Viscount Palmerston; Henry, Lord Brougham; Earl Russell; Lord Stanley [later Earl of Derby]; J. Bright; W.E. Gladstone; B. Disraeli [later Earl of Beaconsfield]; Sir E. Grey; H.H. Asquith; D. Lloyd George], viii+550pp., 1914.] viii+550pp., 1914. 202 WRAGG, H. (sel., arr. and pref.) Letters Written in War Time (XV-XIX Centuries) [From the Paston letters; Queen Catherine; Queen Elizabeth; Sir E. Verney; O. Cromwell; Lady B. Harley; Charles I; Henrietta Maria; J. Evelyn; J. Locke; Duke of Marlborough; Lady M.W. Montagu; P.D. Stanhope (Chesterfield); H. Walpole; E. Burke; W. Cowper; G. Washington; C. Collingwood; H. Nelson; A. Wellesley (Wellington); Sir W. Scott; J. Taylor; George Gordon (Byron); Sir C. Napier], xii+266pp., 1915. [DJI ?] 203 GASKELL, ELIZABETH C. The Novels and Tales of Mrs Gaskell X: Right at Last; and Other Tales, etc. [Right at last; The Manchester marriage; Lois the witch; The crooked branch; A dark night's work; The Schah's English gardener; Cumberland sheep-shearers; Sketches among the poor; Bran; The scholar's story; A Christmas carol; Preface to `Mabel Vaughan'; Preface to `Garibaldi at Caprera'; How the first floor went to Crowley Castle; Two fragments of ghost stories], intro. Clement Shorter, chronology, xvi+527ppp., 1915. 204 TREBLE, H. A. (comp. and pref.) English Prose: Narrative, Descriptive and Dramatic [Sir T. Malory; J. Lyly; F. Bacon; W. Shakespeare; B. Jonson; Ben Jonson with G. Chapman and J. Marston; J. Milton; J. Bunyan; D. Defoe; Sir J. Vanburgh; J. Swift; W. Congreve; J. Addison; R. Steele; G. Farquhar; H. Fielding; S. Johnson; O. Goldsmith; E. Burke; E. Gibbon; R.B. Sheridan; Sir W. Scott; J. Austen; C. Lamb; W. Hazlitt; T. de Quincey; T. Carlyle; T.B. Macaulay; W.M. Thackeray; C. Dickens; C. Brontë; E. Brontë; J.A. Froude; J. Ruskin; G. Eliot; G. Meredith; R.L. Stevenson], xi+510pp., 1916. 205 HAZLITT, WILLIAM Characters of Shakespeare's Plays, intro. Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, xi+287pp, 1916. [?] 206 JONES, EDMUND D. (sel., arr. and pref.) English Critical Essays: Nineteenth Century [Poetry and poetic diction/W. Wordsworth; Wordsworth's theory of diction, Metrical composition/S.T. Coleridge; The Canterbury pilgrims/W. Blake; On the tragedies of Shakespeare…/C. Lamb; A defence of poetry/P.B. Shelley; My first acquaintance with poets/W. Hazlitt; Sacred poetry/J. Keble; Poetry with reference to Aristotle's poetics/J.H. Newman; The hero as poet; Dante, Shakespeare/T. Carlyle; An answer to the question: what is poetry?/J.H.L. Hunt; The choice of subjects in poetry/M. Arnold; Of the pathetic fallacy/J. Ruskin; Thoughts on poetry and its varieties/J.S. Mill; Wordsworth, Tennyson, and Browning…/W. Bagehot; Coleridge's writings/W.H. Pater; Shakespeare; or, the poet/R.W. Emerson; Wordsworth/J.R. Lowell], viii+610pp., 1916. 207 TAYLOR, COLONEL MEADOWS Confessions of a Thug, ed., intro. and glos. C.W. Stewart, map, xix+552pp., 1916. 208 TOLSTÓY, LEO The Cossacks and Other Tales of the Caucasus [The Cossacks; The raid; The wood-felling; Meeting a Moscow acquaintance in the detachment (from Prince Nekhlyudov's Caucasian Memoirs