NSW Guild of Craft Bookbinders: Level 2

TUTORS: Avril Makula & Monica Oppen
DATES: Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd June 2023
TIME: 9.30am – 4.00pm
COST: Members $290; Non-members $320

Maximum 6 students.

If you are interested in this course contact us on info@nswbookbinders.org We will put your name of the pre-booking class list and contact you when bookings open.

Suitability: Some basic previous bookbinding experience recommended

Course information: This course, the Flat Back Case Binding builds on our Fundamentals course. This flat back case binding has its roots in the German binding tradition. The alchemy of bookbinding begins with sewing the bookblock. So we will be focusing on sewing. Using two different sewing styles we will sew two bookblocks, one with a book cloth cover, the other with a decorated paper cover. A choice of covering book cloth and papers will be available. If time permits we will also be making a soft edged slipcase.

Course content: The tutor will demonstrate various techniques, including:

  • gluing out
  • accurate measuring and cutting of card, paper etc.
  • bookblock sewing
  • use of the board cutter
  • use of the guillotine

The importance of paper grain will be revised.

Materials: Binding materials will be provided. You may bring your own usual small tool kit. However the bindery has a full range of tools and take home tool kits will also be available for sale.

Tools will be provided. The bindery is full equipped. However students can bring their own tools.

IMPORTANT: Good eye/hand coordination and good dexterity are necessary for this course as sharp knives are used in the cutting of board and paper. You will be shown correct procedure in the use of these tools but good co-ordination will assure accurate cutting and prevention of injury. Please wear closed in shoes.

OTHER INFORMATION The bindery will be open by 9am. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be supplied. There will be a lunch break of 30 minutes. It is recommended that you bring your lunch. There is a fully equipped kitchen adjacent to the bindery. Shops and cafes are not close.

What did we do/make?

How did we make it?

What went wrong? How would I change it in the future?

What did I learn?
